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Everything posted by Erik

  1. Gömmer sig på alt acc > kallar mig cringe. Duh
  2. Sitting here waiting for my homie to go to a party whilst eop @JoJo is standing in his mirror trying to convince himself he's goodlooking lmao

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Motoman76


      that dudes a fuckin weirdo and ate a bukkake sandwich to get into his faggot frat lol

    3. Maxx



      Sitting here waiting for my homie to go to a party 

      What the fucking are you trying to do here holy cringe

    4. Pauna


      @JoJo speak the tf up

  3. @JoJo broken was easy as fuck btw
  4. LOOOOOOOL couldn't have said it better pal
  5. EOP Shook never forget who made you maaku focus
  6. Never forget who slumped your clan wannabe-caller Jojo ~ Jamz, Yentl, Ted, Remy
  7. What even are you talking about?? you talk about real life nowadays because FOE has made you talk about real life. EOP can't hang and it makes you desperate as fuck lmao
  8. Thanks for the bump buddy, go spend some more time in the mirror trying to convince yourself you're good looking
  9. I know, I just want them to be reminded of how ass they are everytime they go on the brew lmao!
  10. Another reminder you can win 20m for each member in your clan! All you have to do is win ONE ROUND Take the challenge pussies lmao, I doubt you will though!
  11. Hey @Jimi update me and @Pasco when you’ve had a shower
  12. EOM from this point forward it’s only going downhill for your garbage clan LOL
  13. Tell yourself that if it makes you sleep good at night Jojo.
  14. Lmao EOP Jojo trying to convince people he’s goodlooking makes me laugh everytime
  15. You pulled 80 with sign ups, eagles didn’t even bother and pulled 75 both days hahaha EOM is sinking bro
  16. @17_ time to prep buddy let’s go
  17. Another day of EOP not accepting the fullout or prep.

  18. EOP, it really is embarassing how they need to rely on defence in every scene and every scenario.
  19. Brainwashed guy you lost haha @JAMZ thoughts on eop getting smoked by 95 eagles?
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