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Your Average Joe

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Everything posted by Your Average Joe

  1. Sick pkri to the boys over at FI and BP 🥵


  2. Daily Reminder @Jimmy Neutron(Lukas) former LY member has joined the victim list and is reduced to posting random shit on here still l0000000l

  3. Elite member fireblackash (openly skips weekends) crying on ur own clan topic hahahahaha
  4. dont cry because you won't be pulling 50+ spartans this weekend like all ur ranks have been saying l0000l
  5. 12 spartanos massed up only to cancel event! @Blue

  6. @Blue meanwhile ly is doing 10 man pk trips and getting cleared by venny teams l0000000l
  7. No way you're still posting 10 man pk trip topics l0000000l https://www.sharkbrew.com/community/index.php?/topic/58179-wednesday-30-zenith-vs-fearless-apex-3-way-action-packed-p2p-pkri-cluster-fight/
  8. @Sturg@Mr Scott x D @Roofis @Bday @Legacy's Personal Hitman @Blue @John_boy_90 @FireBlackAsh & the other 5 or so kids on your memberlist... Every single week, this is your new normal now. Jajajajaja iromukik#5815 | puggi#1015
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