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Everything posted by ultama

  1. u got slumped in .25 lmfa0 ez clear
  2. Declarations are for clan wars only events, you might want to fix that :^) I don't recall anyone from CD asking us for a prep, but if you want a prep get someone who is relevant in your clan (aka not you) to throw me a PM or any other rank and we can set one up.
  3. It was 36v41, and bullied both in 2015 and now into having no friday topics for months on end lmfao. We also slumped you into 59 man pulls on sunday after pulling 90 the day before l0l http://www.sharkbrew.com/community/index.php?/topic/31031-doom-declares-on-critical-damage-f2p-full-out/ heres an 100v100 can you accept or give us free wins thx
  4. We don't decide what mains hit you or hit us. We had one doom member who was on a main using a black salamander killing scouts in our fall in, but aside from that no other doom member brings mains. CD/FS weren't at that specific trip as they were fighting in F2P so it wouldn't be the same mains as we consistently get maced/ragged by them like the video below. But yes continue to try and justify randos sniping both us and you with CD teaming with 2 other clans and consistently bringing mains to snipe us in P2P for the past month or two and hitting us.
  5. u got fucking bullied out of p2p fridays and sundays l0l0l0l00l
  6. ultama


    Why won't we see you Friday or Sunday
  7. Bullied back into the main scene lmfao stay ez Try camp us in p2p with gear bet you wont lmao
  8. Sunday trips have been the exact same time for years and clans have been going out on the same day for over a decade on top of the fact you've had previous sign-ups for sunday trips... Now you're just insulting your members insinuating they aren't smart enough to realise people go out pking every sunday lol... kind of expected since you dodge us on fridays too though.
  9. We did P2P sundays before you were even open, and there's nothing stopping you from entering P2P (apart from dying to us with FS & EOP like a few weeks ago). Keep trying lmao.
  10. Sundays have always been mandatory for your clan and every other clan for the past 10+ years what are you on about lmfao you literally have sign-ups for this brown sticky stuff every week and still get railed. Imagine being bullied out of P2P by doom just to get bullied by rage in F2P l0l
  11. Ah yes failing to meet 35v35 and ending a round with 3 people left, bottom tier clans battling it out lmfao.
  12. what has a pkri got to do with clw mfw
  13. All these kids seem jealous they won't get free monies and ranks in the #1 LPC Doom wins again
  14. I would suggest re-reading what I wrote, because I never said we got hit by 0 mains, I said "barely", as previously we've been ragged by CD and FS (which misfits seemed to condone or seem to completely forget about when they post topics vs doom). that week CD and FS were bullied into doing only F2P so they were not in our server. The main hitting us is 110, whilst a lot of the others were high 126s. Majority of them were unable to hit us due to the level of wilderness we were in.
  15. ultama


    Next up on CDs propaganda list: Ari uses $10k DMM money to pay rage for demolishing the remnants of CD
  16. Wanna explain how we use adamant if our highest defence level is 20 (which 3.5% of our clan has). Your clan has kids in rune and you keep changing it from "they're scouting" to "they're hitting mains" when they're sat sniping pures with garbage low prayer high def accounts l0l
  17. you got bullied out of p2p and bullied out of clw lmfao cya in the LPC SB tournament nvm you got bullied out of that too l0l
  18. ultama


    U pulled 59 on Sunday lmao not exactly in a spot to call any clans out when you don't even compete in clan wars
  19. I enjoyed not being hit by barely any mains on my sunday P2P trip. Coincidentally, FS nor CD were on that server... makes you wonder.
  20. I never said a prep was mandatory...? are you dizzy? If you're saying you slumped us to 50s on saturday then we slumped you to 50s on sunday lmfao stay easy.
  21. kj ur only saying this cos u have a 20 def acc lul, if you had a 1 def acc u wouldn't be saying that
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