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Everything posted by Sandra

  1. Are there any xlpc's (40-60 cmb) who/that: Use discord instead of ts or irc for chatting; Aren't too strict with attendance (I can't make most weekend trips); Don't mind someone being 100% f2p; Don't mind someone not training after reaching X combat; Pk every day in f2p during gmt friendly times (8-11 PM CET). I know about Pink, but they pk just a little bit too late for my taste right now.
  2. Are there any xlpc's that use discord, aren't too strict with attendance (I can't make most weekend trips), who don't mind someone being 100% f2p, and who pk daily during the week in f2p during gmt friendly times (8-11 PM CET)? I know about Pink, but they pk a bit too late for my taste right now.

    1. R3ALITY


      Join Doom if you wanna be #1

    2. Kanicus


      I mean you’ve just Described Doom although we use Teamspeak, you should still check us out though, discord still isn’t very popular in clanning atm 

  3. Well done UB! Seemed like you guys had a ton of fun! @Maaku focus was 100% for f2p right?
  4. Goodjob both clans! Shame the second round was so messy, but that stuff happens now and then.. move on and forget about it.
  5. Banning a clan from posting aftermath topics is not the same as banning a clan completely from the site though.. @hotkeying and @Imperial Spartan, maybe it's a good idea to discuss this potential 'problem' with other clans and sharkbrew ranks, because it wouldn't be right. So long as clans don't band together against clans using mains (or when sharkbrew doesn't do anything about it) the scene will probably get more cancerous when clans find out they won't get punished for it. I'd be interested to see what SB's ranks would do if a clan like Eop gets 4 successful disputes.
  6. I know that plays a huge part, but why have those rules in the first place then? Yeah sure they're meant to persuade clans to not bring mains, but in the end the ranks of sharkbrew would have to abide by said rules, otherwise all clans could just bring a brown sticky stuffload of mains without any punishment from sharkbrew or the community as a whole. I'm also unsure how much the ad revenue would drop. Perhaps said clan(s) would be allowed to post again within a few weeks after 4 succesfull disputes when they stop bringing mains; problem solved. It isn't so hard.
  7. There's a difference between quality and quantity traffic though.. SB will have to stick to their rules. It's in the hands of the ranks of Eop. If they don't want to see their topics get removed the solution is simple: drop the mains ! This goes for all clans, not just Eop. But they're about to get 2/4 disputes I believe. Ah yes 12 year old internet gangster and joker Law Abiding Citizen is at it again! Giggle hihi! Did you find your white knight yet? Tehee! I'm not even in a clan. As far as you, me, and everybody else knows the only clans that currently bring mains week in week out are Eop, Foe and CD, but CD is going to the XLPC scene. So yeah.. so much for CD. Your banter is thus very poor ! You should spend some more time in the real world instead of posting so much brown sticky stuff ! But I guess you just enjoy posting brown sticky stuff !
  8. Do you think they'll drop their mains now that they're about to receive 2/4 (I believe) of disputes regarding bringing mains? They'll be close to 4/4, which means all their aftermath topics get removed. And people on Zybez/RSC don't care about pure clans, so It won't help posting there. Kinda interesting what people think about the above. Someone should make a topic about it with a poll !
  9. That's one way to ruin the pure community..
  10. Grats Foe, better luck next time UB! I would love to see Eop accept your fullout and prep declaration in cw!
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