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Everything posted by Dude

  1. Yo so I wanna get back into the game, but not for clanning, I want to become a famous Runescaper like Zezima and So Wreck3d. I plan to do this with YouTube commentaries, anyone have any suggestions to start?
  2. @ @@#Toxic hmu when we're opening a new clan fam LOL #CV #DV
  3. Wait... all this time I thought SK stood for Serial Killers......
  4. Impressive run tbh, gj finally quitting though and gl with life
  5. Nice read, but most people that play RS currently don't really give a brown sticky stuff about clanning, they just care about their community.
  6. SV sends their regards jokes, gl with life guys
  7. Sucks bro... Thats the clanning community for you though, stay strong fam P.S. are you the same Kaz from Devotion?
  8. fucking trying to edit my post on my phone but it keeps deleting * but good brown sticky stuff on not making the same mistake me and @@Sara Cloak leading RS clans our first two months of college @@Niblet trust me LOL once you get un-addicted your going to realize how much of your life you wasted
  9. @@Niblet what college are you going to ??
  10. is Tumblr leader of this? If so someone should list the teamspeak/CC
  11. bro give us some back story
  12. hon0r's #2 gonna close your clan Ruin, what cha gonna do fam
  13. Summer break, doing a computer science internship weekdays and working at starbucks on weekends
  14. These would be your best bet
  15. Looks alright, but some feedback to give your friend is that he should try to make his next vids more entertaining and get the audience hooked because I got bored about two minutes in.
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