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Everything posted by Yaz

  1. Thoughts and prayers for CD rn

    1. Obs


       like = prayer for CD

  2. CD pulled 12 to a F2P prep



  3. Ofc man, always fun flame free events, close and competitive
  4. Cd is the laughing stock of the community 

    Wasnt hard btw

  5. You can fight legacy, we always down for events
  6. Pretty true We had to stomp on a little insect but its dead now
  7. CD havent had an weekend aftermath for 2 months i think its safe to say they are dead 

    Thoughts and prayers for fallen nhing doxing main clan CD

  8. Cd broken Fi distanced themselves from CD after seeing the cancer CD was and how badly they were getting destroyed which was probably the smart move so yeah we broke the alliance in those terms I dont think we really broke Fi per say, and im sure well have an underlying rivalry with them, but with Foe ir fi and ly all pulling 60+ well be happy to fight whoever and get back to having clean action Funny story, TBR was the one who started the LY FI beef only to leave Ly , reopen CD and get slumped to 25 man pulls. As much as i flame Fi they are a pure clan, with a respectbale history which is 20x what i can say for CD If Fi and Ly go back to being extremely fierce rivals i know itll be waaay cleaner than the rivalry with CD and will be good for the scene My only advice for FI is to not allow CD to come in their capes on mains and whatever else after CD closes. Tldr Cd broken Alliance severed Gl fi foe ir
  9. !seen cd aftermath previous 2 months

  10. No pk for CD

    Meanwhile legacy pulled 70 today and fought every clan

  11. Please pray 4 CD they are on lifesupport doctors dont know if theyll make it through the summer 

  12. Looks like CD got smoked good job BP
  13. Pray 4 CD this weeekemd

    1. CD15134562345


      don't make yourself look even more retarded like your weak ass clan

  14. Message Killa or Me on discord
  15. Cd thought they could step into wildy with 25ish, so we sent out 1 mass poke and got 30 shooters in 2 mins. After FULLY clearing them twice in under 20 mins they decided to end their rev trip knowing they couldnt handle a REAL clan. CD members if you want to actually pk at revs pm a Legacy rank for a hallpass. Pked for a few hours clearing random teams and small main clans before running into Davea. We each had about 10-15, turned into a lil return fight. Eventually they stopped returning allowing us to pick up our loot and do the dash. Looking to join a pure clan? Click here to join Legacy.
  16. Looks like you guys did well gj on event!
  17. Taking bets on cd closing date

    200m on June 9th

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