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Posts posted by Cody9204

  1. 2 minutes ago, Eevee said:

    It needs to be kept out of #campfire and the general discussion boards. I suggested that we make a new text channel and migrate the nonsense between FOE and RoT there so they can act like apes and not impede our regulars from having normal conversations. I’ve had a few regulars approach me who are pretty pissed off that we haven’t attempted this yet.

    It needs to be a split decision, we cannot cater to one particular group and alienate the rest. Not even sure why this needs to be a discussion point, should be common sense.

    lmao what regulars? u talking about foe discord2? we are your only regulars.

    edit: sry forgot to change my text color to stand out

  2. How are you going to say "borzor took it upon himself" and then say "FOE DID IT" down the line when it suits you..? LMFAO Now supposedly foe is aligned with some anti-rot alliance. Oh, boy. 🤣😂 So you're telling me there are people that are in a pure clan and a main clan?? Whaat?? In 2019??!! No way!! I've never heard such a terrible beta male excuse lmfao. You losers must be pretty bored getting destroyed and losing all dmm tournys and decided to move down 2 brackets and continue losing. Quote me if I struck a nerve.

  3. 13 hours ago, N uts ack said:

    Gl, what cape

    Old Massacre was T-47. Not sure what they're using this time around if there is a clan already using the cape.

    4 hours ago, COMPILE THE INTEL said:

    yikes. Was always a terrible clan hopefully you change our POV on that GL.

    Maybe your head is still shook idk

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