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Forever Green

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Everything posted by Forever Green

  1. refer to the heartbeat of ur clan lol beep beep beep 0bpm man sorry ur clan died while mines open and beating foc l000l
  2. the dude started clanning in xl man, losers in his resume
  3. mustafa is used to pulling 25s for years so its only natural an awkward mute like him starts piping up even if his clan still gets killed lol and isnt niblet that guy that got his clans killed l000l
  4. quick reminder that @Jamz is 0-5 in p2p preps vs apex l000l



    1. slime
    2. Jamie ツ

      Jamie ツ

      if he could dislike this status update he would, seems to catch him in his feels lmao

    3. Forever Green

      Forever Green

      @Jamz is too busy getting bullied by fag hanuman l00l

  5. aren't you supposed to look into something like this instead of posting a cringe response
  6. nice textbook bro id just like to say you lost 86-0 to apex in a fullout l000000l btw stop dropping out and go to school so you dont have queer fetishes about eagle dicks l00l hanu really did a number on u
  7. l000l foc kicked px from the fight so they could have 100 foc in and you lost to us and FATALITY in a fullout LOOOOL and hanu put u in ur place below him lmfaooooooooooo
  8. ye we do lmfao cry more loser l000000l 5-0 kiss the belts and shine my shoes l00l u almost got bullied out of foc by a fag called hanuman LMFAO
  9. damn @Jamz cant catch a break, just when he thought there was a chance at getting #1 p2p wildy sup come in and kill him l000l
  10. lmfao apex and sup both killing foc whats new haha, jamz era first of focs history making them lose p2p sundays to supremacy l000l
  11. l000l ofc ur on ur phone at work, stop sending dick pics to 155 yr olds l00l
  12. l000l so defensive u cried to be let in eop and they slapped u back to clanhopping as soon as u posted a public apology l00000l u tried covering it up but all u can do is send dick pics to minors l000l
  13. i saw the topics of your apology and you crying and also the logs on facebook l000l creeping on minors is a criminal offence l000l go back to school or jail or whatever you guys call it
  14. foc still cant win anything l0000l @Jamz era coming in hot, losing to supremacy in p2p hahaha

    1. Forever Green

      Forever Green

      @Wilderness Ditch @Erik made history becoming the first foc members to lose to sup in p2p on weekends l000l

  15. @slushpuppy @slushpuppeh @Kim interesting how these losers from clans eop killed are allowed to flame people irl on these forums? f
  16. wait ur telling me you sent dick pics to a 15 year old AND you made an apology topic on eop forums to try and join?? LOOOOL what a beta cuck holy shit l0000000l
  17. l00l @holydreams @Erik foc getting smoked by tigers in p2p now too l000l foc literally have nothing left except doxing and ddosing hahaha
  18. hopefully foc wont ddos and use scum tactics again
  19. l000l ur a p2p based clan and ur 0-5 vs my clan LM<AFSOM didnt @17_ make lv2 quit the game and go mia l00l the pussy ran for the hills when 17 retaliated to foc and lv2 doxing
  20. I agree apex killed foc and are 5-0 in p2p preps l000l
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