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Status Updates posted by Togo

  1. Jamz hope u enjoy getting ragged/camped every weekend and not having a community gl

    1. Togo
    2. 17_
    3. Pker4life


      you're a scrub lol you perm rag kid

  2. btw ub closed after this prep @Dr. Evil



    was really easy lol

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. slime


      how does a clan close when the scene merged? you really are dumb

    3. Conor McGregor

      Conor McGregor

      @ahegao the scene merged weeks after ub were closed from hpc by eop l000l ub pulled 25 for weeks and closed and reopened as an lpc cos they couldnt compete wahaha

    4. Sharkbrewwarrior
  3. I love when random level 30s in w308 make a trash video with a fake title to try to be relevant


  4. who else remembers when MF piped up to eop on their anni and hasnt said a word since lmao @debb @17

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. debb


      one of their high ranks pmed me sayin sorry:rolleyes:@Togo

    3. Brock Lesnar

      Brock Lesnar

      Misfits is dogbrown sticky stuff

    4. N Ranges

      N Ranges

      i do remember how they like to dip after 1 set cause they dont win often lmao

  5. Friendly reminder @moni leaked doom LB's to EoP 

  6. @Moni why is crin ge changed to justin bieber?..


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. eatingurnan


      ur playing a childrens game, let them do that too. its justin beiber either way homie

    3. Fatalitys Big Statue

      Fatalitys Big Statue

      have u seen Nick irl lmao what u expect

  8. When people say they don't have enough time for EoP. Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresea, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, Albert Einstein, etc… - [EoP]Rebel

    1. Lionel


      So true it hurts

  9. Just a reminder tht Foe just got Multigasms Break Estra and Overheads lmao gl clans

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Acid


      What does that mean

    3. bigmanting
    4. Togo


      @Moni when the rivalry is over and ub ded like harambe rememebr ur roots of bb and come home to me and @TEDERICK we need our p2p caller back

  10. Imagine gaining 10 lbs irl in a week cause ur depressed TLP closed LMAO

    1. Range Grudge
    2. Fliby
    3. Kevv


      dont u always make topics to tag ur internet friends in brown sticky stuffty house music videos lmfao nice life

  11. I miss pre-brainwashed Dull

    1. knikker


      same hes in my ts rn tryina brainwash me too

    2. Togo


      @KNIKKER eop will never b the same :[

  12. holy fk ub justin beiber lol

  13. Congrats Hanu on your new job

  14. Congrats Hanu on your new job

  15. Call me PartyNextdoor Alex

  16. Everyone spam Rebel cleans windows with his tongue for a living

  17. My top 3 EoP Ranks: Council 17, Officer Alexander, Council Danny

  18. who put this justin beiber rainbow brown sticky stuff on everyones profile pics

    1. Andy


      Get trollerered

  19. Hope everyone has a great short work week, especially @MyOverheads and @andre :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Albania
    3. MyOverheads


      didnt see this until now, had a really good weekend and memorial day! hope you did too :]

    4. Togo
  20. Hope everyone has a great short work week, especially @my overheads and @andre :)

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