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lex bruv

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Everything posted by lex bruv

  1. u actually put this on sharkbrew LMFA0
  2. like i legit dont give a fuck loool
  3. Which is why you posted out of anyone in a pure clan to bring to redemption you'd pick me isis boy LOL
  4. Was pretty ez clearing eop x3 ngl
  5. Your clan is irrelevant to the point we don't even bother with you. You're also a leak who decides to comment every post on Fatality... Is that what I did to you? Sitting in a channel for thirty minutes I had you leak to me, beg to rejoin Fatality for the second time and promise to scam your own clan mates. Real life problems don't cause you to do those things. Little boy, go crawl back in the hole you came from.
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=318&v=CUMtNHUpLnM lol the vid explains it all and thanks @ i completely understand killing eop isnt very hard at all what can i say
  7. 33 Pure Elites set out of a trip to kill EOP after we heard the pirates were out PKing. A glorious day to be fatality after they were cleared x3 from the wilderness. If you're tired of being cleared, tired of being in one of the worst clans in Runescape history feel free to query any fatality rank to make a brown sticky stuff load of GP$. We started off the day hitting a main team at Scorp, cleared. We ran into EOP down 5 and cleared them. We ran into EOP after massing and cleared them. We ran into EOP at GDz we cleared them. We fought EOP for 45 minutes and cleared them. [media=https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=318&v=CUMtNHUpLnM][/media]
  8. A lot of respect FOE, gj on ur trip mates, get more for f2p and you'll be fully back nice pull
  9. Show up to f2p come on.. 28 just isn't good enough lol!!!!!
  10. I hope you can maintain a higher pull, you're really good matched but the difference between MPC and HPC is a lot. Good luck in the future and thanks for the fights
  11. The funniest part is eop only pulled 55 I was watching on join.me but they're oblivious members can't see that they bring 25 mains lol gj fatality u rocked the clan world
  12. This is perfect. Redemption have remembered their place in the lower tier bracket. We beat the dog down for you Sup, hope you enjoy the bitch.
  13. Divine just can't seem to be respected anywhere...
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