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Everything posted by davld

  1. davld

    hmm yes

    I quit oldschool before clans started having trips you delusional broccoli
  2. lmfao mitch and duval are still fighting in 2016
  3. davld

    hmm yes

    GLORIOUS FORMER WARLORD OF EPIDEMIC From what I know, you led about 20 ex war members on 15 man trips for a month in 2013 when there was only p2p. That clan wasn't epidemic. You really should remove this.
  4. The further you remove yourselves from 1 defence pking accounts the fewer new people you can recruit into the community. You'll be left with the same small group of people hopping between clans on their disgusting 35 defence 99 attack 70 prayer accounts until they quit just like it was in pre-eoc. How it got to 35+ defence without turmoil, I have no idea, but it must have taken a special select group of cauliflower leaders.
  5. astounds me how anyone can still play this game in their 20's let alone be involved in an autistic mess like this.
  6. as an unbiased observer they're genuinely the worst clan I've ever seen in this community
  7. Last time I checked up on this community they were #1 by a mile. Their leader has left(?), a lot of members have left as well and the legend Dissy was warlord on the header for a few days only to go back to elder status. What's happened to allow these to occur after they've just buried the sv brown sticky stuffters?
  8. cory is the strongest bundle of twigsgot, this guy not so much
  9. genuinely the worst clan I've seen in the history of this community 50% rune
  10. davld


    You're the infamous 1 man pile caller from the great war of 2013? You must have tactics rivalling the godking Sikh.
  11. Revolutionary new win formula: The clan with the oldest ranks still clinging to this game automatically loses.
  12. seeking negative attention on a specialized runescape community forum seems like a healthy outlet
  13. would be hilarious to see how they came up with a $300m valuation
  14. davld

    Fi is old

    they never made a public apology to epidemic after pulling 9
  15. fi was really bad from 2008-2011 eop was really bad from 2007-2010 gratz clans
  16. cd is the worst weekend trip clan I've seen in the entirety of pure clanning and that's not hyperbole.
  17. 2008 but haven't been in a clan since 2012
  18. I miss all of it. There was really nothing like pure clanning, which is why I lurk here. It's a shame though seeing how it's been ruined in the hands of retards who can't even dish out any decent banter. Pretending(?) to be autistic and spamming the same vegetable insults while bragging about how many mains you bring is why I wouldn't even give an hour per week to any clan open right now. The great rivalries and fights in pure community history came from mutual respect and realizing that they needed each other to stay open.
  19. if your clan doesn't have any matched quality or invites mains you're essentially spending your weekends hosting runescape dance parties in the wilderness
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