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Everything posted by chance111

  1. i fought eop at the beginning of 07 , it was the first fight for either clan since 07 came out and pures and mains were both evenly leveled, and eop had about 60 straight off the bat. so not sure about the accuracy of this statement vid for proof:
  2. hah around this time 2 years ago, CD members were basically trolling these forums claiming to be a legacy clan because we knew it was pissing people off (people from supremacy and ir more than anyone else) and now we actually have people that are listing us as not only a legacy clan but a possible honorable mention for top 5 clan of all time/top 6 or 7 feels good
  3. da fuck lol been in cd since 2013 and can confirm this post is a load of horse brown sticky stuff. which clan was doing better when cd were pulling 100+ every week in 2015 and early 2016 steamrolling the lpc and mpc scene back to back while sv were getting slumped by tlp? the slump was so bad that sv were proposing a merge with cd and offered our ranks control of the entire leadership structure and forums as long as they could "keep the sv name" lol! which clan was doing better when cd moved up to hpc in 2016, took #1 in a month while sv decided to become mains after getting ran out of the scene altogether? which clan was doing better in 2017 - cd who came off a run of closing doom, op and rage one after the other in the span of 3 months or SV who got bullied and closed by eop and cd(lol)!!!!! the last group of sv that were in cd were all imp kids, and for the most part, left under pretty genuine circumstances, they had only been with cd for less than a year and their original clan was reopening to join the same scene as us. so there were no grudges and it didn't tale us long to get our pulls back in order.
  4. i hope they dont close. but sometimes its not a bad thing to start again(and i dont mean by closing, but by starting over), even if they took a few weeks hiatus and started recruiting again. its a lot easier to recruit at lower levels than the ones they're at. cd went from pulling 30s in lpc, followed by losing 50% of our core memberbase to pulling 50s+ again in xlpc just 3 weeks later. if your leaders are good enough and have the foresight/confidence that people will commit to reset, it can be done even in 2018. depends how committed your members are. or you could go the way of UB and close because you never liked your own clan anyway and use a slump as an excuse to fulfill that dream of joining apex
  5. gotta say this was probably one of the worst opening trips since ive seen in lol, you guys did nothing for the first hour aside from clearing OP who were low on food and midway through a regroup after they fought CD and had less than half your pull. you tried to crash a couple fights later on but your intel was lacking and you'd always arrive too late both CD and FS who had similar numbers to you were rolling around in multi by themselves not once in that first 90 minutes did you bother to hit us, some straight chicken brown sticky stuff. once you gathered enough courage to fight FS, they ended up clearing you anyway, and that was despite OB crashing them and CD sniping stragglers from both sides your clan especially in the past always seemed obsessed with massing for longer than everyone else and refusing to straight up fight anyone that remotely pulls the same as you. 2minute vid on a triple logged account says it all lol. is it any surprise why you've closed 3 times
  6. lmfao hopefully you've learnt your lesson, challenging cd with mains when you're a rookie and we got a PHD - brown sticky stuff didn't bode well. now if you wanna stick to using pures then thats fine but we're still going to close your clan
  7. fair to say xlpc has become mpc v2

    blame op xd


    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Pauna


      CD back to there natural state full of sht and mains

    3. CD15134562345


      @Shaka Zulu CD back to killing your brown sticky stuff little clans so you can hop from one to another like a little reject monkey

    4. Pauna


      @Dillon Howlett My gang or no rs #loyalty cd is still brown sticky stuff btw

  8. and in my pov definitely one of the highlights in all my time playing rs. beef aside and toxic mains aside, those days were really fun, an actual rivalry that went back and forth where everyone accepted the fact that the only thing that mattered was whoever was the last person standing. both sides pulling out all the stops, mains/zerks/pures it didnt matter, if you could wear a t7 or t6 cape, put that brown sticky stuff on and join the fight xd i actually watched the video from that fight when i posted that just before, all 30 minutes of it(which was like 2 hours in real time). an absolutely ridiculous fight that actually brought back a lot of fun memories. crazy to think we were doing this thing twice a week for months on end for nearly a year
  9. BRUUUUUUUUUUUUHHH you actually being serious? you think training your def is going to scare CD lmao!!!!!!!!!!!!!! first of all, you lil jabronies started this by hacking those accounts, so whatever happens from now on is your own fault. don't cry when your getting nan'd by 60 mains and don't whinge when you find your irl picture plastered on some homosexual dating site
  10. i think other clans in the xlpc scene need to do a better job on pulling more/competing better rather than hoping the two largest clans in the scene slump eachother to everyone else's level. a scene where there are 5 or more clans that are all pulling 50 or more is healthier than the same 5 all pulling 30s
  11. nothing wrong with being an edge recruit, we all started from somewhere you're just a lot more newer, that's all lil fella
  12. we should send him a formal application request to CD, Dillon could use a playmate
  13. y3s u r verY fAmOuS L00k uR cLan History - MuCH impr3s -2017 edge pker 2017 - FeArlEss B1g own3r
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