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Everything posted by DilL

  1. DilL


    LMFAOOOO fun fact: he's not a collision member and never was. He just so happened to have COLLISION as his name. Actually tried to get him to join, but he ignored us.
  2. omg i cant take this topic seriously with the screenshots and the video... LMFAOOO
  3. It was fun while it lasted. Wish it lasted longer (without Hassan lmfao). Thank you though, Honor, Control, Jail, Dave, and all yall leaders who gave us a run for our money lol. You'll see me soon tho Collision aint closed yet
  4. Wait so you returned to see if you won rather than return with actual gear to see if you have to keep fighting? godbless
  5. LOL..... funny topic tho. I partially believe the 20 FS members and the 10 AAO members being in Impact, but everything else was kinda like "wat". Oh, let me just leave this here lmao
  6. Honor brings mains and another clan with him to fight lmao

    1. Hon0r


      I'm bringing what's remaining of world 308 from what jail brings to his brown sticky stuff clan. Every time ... GL

    2. P0 tz

      P0 tz

      honor you live in edge mass recruiting..."fall in for big war" (trade for capes)

  7. wHOEVER FUCKING POKING ME ON THAT TS3, I don't hate you but your clan

    1. ferocious



      <07:43:35> "[Dill] Dill" disconnected (leaving)

      KYP broccoli

    2. DilL
  8. LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO the holding hands picture has me dying. Good fights today Invictus, gj on your fights with other clans, we should've stayed out longer.
  9. xL complains about Impact's mains.. but the hypocrisy is sad as hell.. Good job Collision!
  10. LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I'm so confused as to why you consider a win when you literally bring MAINS, had +12 on us and literally got DICKED to even ops at 20v20. Also, nice 80s and 90s team you had hiding. Y Yall might wanna read this topic and watch the video cause the lies coming from this 37 year old virgin are horrendous. http://www.sharkbrew.com/community/index.php?/topic/22050-collision-vs-excel-down-10-with-mains/
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