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Everything posted by Salso

  1. Speak up please ir ranks. Remember you wanted this, you tried starting something before christmas. Again I will ask you not to flame Jamer's irl
  2. You would say that because you don’t want to upset them so they remain on speed dial
  3. I will await my shakrbrew points for when IR forfitted ty
  4. Thanks sir, it was funny and of the day when you ac’d and we smoked ir. yikes. It was so so embarrasing watching them side by side reminds me of apex/foe
  5. I think the restraint to take the easy way out is props to clans leadership at the moment. Without serious jagex moderation, and an increasingly competitive scene & everyone getting better at the game it is a huge props to clans who've for the longest time restrained from using mains, or kept it to a minimum. Honestly ask whats to stop someone making a clan in the 70-100 combat bracket with any defence and any account build and rock up saturday and sunday ruining the scene? Not enough credit is given to the leaderships of these clans (even ir) for not doing scummy brown sticky stuff like this, So we aren't in a crysis it's just how its always been. As a community we play with lower defence for the fast pace action, i mean go watch/play in a main war either server it is very very slow. Speaking from a leaders point of view the scene is very good at the moment (For EOP vs APEX/Foe it is probably different because them three are on a merry go-round of cancer)
  6. Again the point your making is valid, have you been to an xlpc trip? There are mains and tanks in every scene its just down to the leaderships of the clans to keep it to a minimum Pre-eoc like will stated, 1-20def was the meta before turmoil took over.
  7. That has no relevance to what he replied, come on lenin you usually give a good arguement AAO is 1-20 defence already however no clan has copied them just because they aren't very relevant at the moment, if they were dominant i'm sure clans would copy. Personally 1-20 is fine, however when clans start getting 25 and above, that is when i will happily log on my main publicly, and kill the 30 defencers
  8. Correct, Fatality Now defend on plat @whisky
  9. We massed up 38 Men for the prep vs IR Round 1 Loss Round 2 Perfected them Round 3 Perfected them Everybody knows defending clan choses defending location & map. It's petty from both sides which is very disappointing, However IR refused to do r2 & r3, resulting in them forfeiting and us taking the 2-1 swoop. I was confident 100% we would've won on our prefered map & then won the pkri on a neutral map. If IR wish to do round 2 and round three properly hit me up we're free tuesday/wednesday this week (we will do same time as today)
  10. Can confirm hotkeying is the master mind 200iq clanner man.
  11. this is a troll account not horizon
  12. Hey nicko, We have a nice clan/community come check us out www.px-rs.com
  13. Gratz Pure scene, Happy to help
  14. @Tuk From speaking to both parties that 50m fee was like a deposit to ensure slush got his advertisement end of the bargain too, however i agree with you saying its a an event hosted by lewis who is taking his own money out to pay for the events
  15. I feel working with conquest is a step in the right direction, however both parties up to know have lacked communication. As a whole no offence to sharkbrew mods, yes your last rvb community event was succesful.. 5 MONTHS AGO, Conquest events have already organized events which you's haven't engaging the community. I personally believe that community events and acting upon feedback given several months ago is NOT quick enough progress to moving the community in the right direction. Also the lack of engagement from clans towards the events, or even clans acting broccolied (refer to the last 2v2 fullout) has to stop. I agree with slush referring back our conversation that Conquest should advertise sharkbrew in their next event in good faith, to re-pay the backstabbing. Moving forward from this I feel working hand in hand with a cause like this is ONLY GOOD for the scene. As a whole a community united is better than one seperated, I hope I'm able to help in uniting two good causes, and giving it the backing it needs
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