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Leather Boots

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Everything posted by Leather Boots

  1. CD have literally been teaming with Fallen, Imperial, and SK for the past 6 weekend trips and still manage to lose the majority of fights vs. better quality clans.
  2. CD have the worst quality in the game, no amount of teamspeak leaks will ever change that.
  3. ruin ded tomato u went main after impact died lmfao
  4. not only do cd members think the world in flat but they also suck at runescape lmfao!!!

  5. lol ruin watched whilst we fucked cd thanks for being cuckolds lmfao
  6. two brown sticky stuff clans merge to make an even brown sticky stuffter clan goodjob tomatos

    1. Entangle
    2. Leather Boots

      Leather Boots

      yes my other account is suspended but cd dead ty

  8. CD (+Imperial) + Fallen + Ruin + SK + Revenant got the hands

  9. lmao i think ill die before rage gets our august wcotm sig chop chop @Kim

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Datassd0e


      @Kim , idk how im envolved in this, but i kinda feel bad now all the pressure is put on you now😂 haha

    3. Datassd0e


      @Kim , idk how im envolved in this, but i kinda feel bad now all the pressure is put on you now😂 haha

    4. Kim


      It was like a month ago, @Datassd0e

      I am not able to load up the other comments.

  10. you should takeover wcotm lmao @@Kim slacking where my sig doe also why are our midweek topics being moved to 40 def seems dumb
  11. lol at you rejects sitting in sharkbrew ts we outcha pking for 3 hours straight lmao

  12. lol im making 10 level 50 mains right now to camp u judgement bundle of twigsgots
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