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Everything posted by Stella

  1. Had good fun in the wilderness today too. Heard fo got fucking smoked tho sucks to suck i guess
  2. Gf Rage Always a pleasure fighting the honorable Rage Bears GL getting fo to stop avoiding
  3. ??? don't @ me until you don't get cleared from falador in approximately 30 seconds
  4. Was great fun ngl Clean action vs real pure clans, not main clan wannabes
  5. ??? Victim clan starts a main war and then somehow turns it back onto Fi l0l ??? you guys were fighting BP/OG a few months ago. Kyp Your trip sucked l0l Thank you for admitting we are the #1 LPC, retard. l00000000000000l
  6. Kryptonite shooters owning the wilderness like usual Mother Fi wins again!
  7. according to your own propaganda "master" we brought mains on 12/19 and started the main war. What happened the week before???? can u answer that peanut brain? lmfao @ newfagg cringe retard kyp
  8. @PugThat's what the parenthesis in the cape counter in my video shows. Anybody over 25 defence goes in that bracket. Which is why it's so funny that foe sticks to Runelite and changes the cape counter to show teamcape count instead of clan names that shows anybody over 25 defence in parenthesis.
  9. What happened the week before? This is when "Fi started the main war?" Oh yes, this is what happened l0l check cape counter retard Don't @ me until you have the balls to fight without mains. That won't happen though because even with mains we dismantled you so we know you won't fight matched with pures l0l See you at brewcup
  10. Imagine having twice as many mains as pures and still not being able to compete #vaporized
  11. Did you forget what happened the weekend before?? Here's a refresher. 12/13 FO brings mains in response to getting smacked the fuck around the wilderness the previous month. You're saying we started this main war first on 12/19 yet the week prior fo brought mains. Cringe morons. You guys got smacked for 2+ hours in this video btw
  12. Check cape counter and do basic math (subtract the mains) can't compete without mains and 25 zenith in your cape lmfao
  13. 30 mains + 25 zenith and you still couldn't win. Yikes lmfao
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