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Everything posted by Broxxx

  1. you're still mad u got kyped to 10 ingame the other weekend aren't you buddy
  2. #Olympus | Olympus-rs.com | Olympus_RS CC Tonight Olympus pulled 35 Gods for a F2P Prep against AAO, sadly they only pulled 25 so we had to sit a bunch but thanks for the prep regardless. Prior to the prep we had made a 2million gold pieces bet with the ranks of AAO. We split the winnings with all 35 who attended the prep, making them all rich beyond their wildest dreams. Thanks for the prep AAO, hope to do more soon. Round 1 Olympus Starting/Ending :25/19 AAO Starting/ Ending : 25/0 Round 2 Olympus Starting/Ending :25/21 AAO Starting/ Ending :25/0 Round 3 Tom called in Dutch then Ali picked up in Arabic [Vids] Broxx [POV] Legends [POV] Hotgun [POV] Tom Valor [POV] @ [POV] Overheads [POV] Alex [POV] @ [POV]
  3. #Olympus | Olympus-rs.com | Olympus_RS CC Late on Tuesday evening (11pm EST) we approached Fearless for a F2P PKRI. The fight went back and forth with both sides being up in opts at various stages in the fight: thanks for the fight fearless, look forward to more. This topic would have been up sooner but i'm GMT and it was like 4am at the time XD. @@Broxx [POV] logs #Olympus | Olympus-rs.com | Olympus_RS CC Late on Tuesday evening (11pm EST) we approached Fearless for a F2P PKRI. The fight went back and forth with both sides being up in opts at various stages in the fight: thanks for the fight fearless, look forward to more. This topic would have been up sooner but i'm GMT and it was like 4am at the time XD. @@Broxx [POV] logs
  4. your clan was the ones teleing out lmao
  5. i mean it was really louds ballista
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