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Everything posted by cartel

  1. Btw stfu Wouter u VMBO underachieving piece of brown sticky stuff
  2. Coming from people who play RuneScape in 2k17
  3. Too* and hes trying to do something postive so stfu Jeremy
  4. Another day another loss @ Its fine to be a loser both ing and irl tho, keep your chin up
  5. Shut the fuck up you leafy copying emoji using bitch ass viewer whoring dumb ass
  6. If you have juicy info on CD let me know
  7. @ @ dumb dogs, might want to suck of Razza some more
  8. hes not very smart or has any ambition looking at his carreer @So yeah what would you expect
  9. Fucking incest little farmer town, btw vmbo is the lowest tier education level
  10. You should've done the same having the big mouth you have lmao
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