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Everything posted by Kenan

  1. Expected since misfits n apex r the only clans that actually pk
  2. You'd think they would be able to pay more then 2m
  3. skeez is in Jaja aka sv remake so I'm not really worried about anything he says
  4. Kenan


    I ragged sv and they went pure 3 days later coincidence? I think not
  5. Imagine being scared of clan wars lol
  6. Wouldn't mind a dick in my ass right about now tbh

    1. Lionel


      i know that feel fam preach it

  7. rot slumped both of them VR recently truced with rot and are actually able to pk again DF doesn't get much action since they r the only anti rot clan left
  8. CT rot di pull the most and Jaja but they r just a masser sv remake every other clans pull around the same
  9. rough estimate I'd say 15 active clans and then a handful that doesn't do much F2p is completely dead tho
  10. just join ruin we never lose
  11. Friendly reminder i bullied SV out of the main scene

    1. EoP-Rs


      r u rly trying to tell me ruin bullied sv out of the main scene?

    2. Kenan


      Yup last I remember ruin bullied sv every night for about 2 weeks then they went pure was pretty easy

  12. 10x better then the pure scene
  13. ok so ur just ignorant main scene is bigger in terms of clans but has never been in pulls all pures pk while all mains do not recruiting as a main clan is 10x harder then pures
  14. literally every clan besides rot ct di pull the same u must be cauliflower or just ignorant
  15. We hit up Divine Forces around 24 hours ago if they wanted a quick P2P Clan wars for Friday and thankfully they accepted in such short notice. We won the first two rounds by a kill or two in both rounds & lost r3 the K.O round as we suk on them. Videos: WCG Pov - Matt Madness Pov - Murky pov Round 1 Starting Round 1 Ending Round 2 Starting: Round 2 Ending: Round 3: Loss
  16. we dont accept ppl from the middle East anyways
  17. haven't been a mute for like 7 months lol
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