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Everything posted by Danrics

  1. HAHAHA at least we're an active clan with daily events, px = dead bird clan who masses for preps and nothing else lmfao outta here bud
  2. We're a wilderness clan??? That how we have always been, how is it being selfish? Because our clan actually does daily activites? Like maybe not giving out too many points for a midweek, but it would encourage other clans to get onboard with midweeks and bringing up wilderness activity, and also its not always random mains (you dont do midweeks so what would you know) Needs better balancing honestly..
  3. I'll 3rd that px is dead broccoli weird ass bird clan lmao free KFC for bees
  4. Hang on, aren't you in px? You're talking about being relevant.. spas
  5. Dude hes an tomato who talks smack on sb but has no skills in the scene at all lmfao
  6. You're a broccoli mate, deadset. You're the fool who buys into bs propaganda, up 3 opts isn't much, stfu ur bad tomato.
  7. Ikr, because other clans are too lazy to do midweeks we have to suffer RIP
  8. 0.05 for a midweek? lol? Thats disgusting!
  9. Idk judging by the POVS looks like Misfits had the better trip, your 80+ pull is irrelevent and KOP won't save your dead clan lmfao... Misfits wins again
  10. Why'd you put a losing topic up?? I don't get it :s Regardless, was fun thanks for action.
  11. Judging by the feedback that we recieved from this trip, it looks like we took the #1 spot this sunday grats.
  12. Welcome my Misfits brother
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