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Everything posted by Westbrook`

  1. Did you guys close? Edit: lmfao just found out you merged into nemesis, w/e I don't expect anything more.
  2. Idk why u guys say blame cp.... they closed a while back, now its just sv wearing their capes for f2p trips
  3. Same thing I can say about cv, u guys pull 2x other clans, and get half the action of them
  4. Idk if you guys already know who it actually is, but for the people who don't know its [CP]David the warlord of CP.
  5. Me back in the clan warfare daysss I won most sensible poster!!!
  6. Sucks that people do that brown sticky stuff @@Tumblr cough cough
  7. Westbrook`


    Cv brings their same guys to minis lol, why not train ur newer guys...
  8. Eop doing good because all the dr kids left loool
  9. Cv couldn't hold hands with em in clan wars
  10. Poke n die, xxpnkEMO is a bundle of twigsgot Westbrook or lowkey
  11. Ty, I edited my comment though, there is no point in going out, hpc will just fuck lpcs over.
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