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Everything posted by `Prod

  1. Your a fucking retard lol ; closed clans means less action you're indirectly hurting your clan and others by "closing" a clan. No wonder your ranks make fun of you in leadership channel lool
  2. Not sure why clans want other clans to close especially in a dying community..
  3. Yeah I've told people in past clans to not post on SB cause they get emotional and post too much when they get baited
  4. l0l they actually think hes in jail AHHAHAAHAHHAHA
  5. Ah fuck boys you coulda got a funnier interview with me.. L0L this dude @Poo boring man
  6. There not necessarily bad ranks ; in order to be an effective rank your followers have to respect you and share your same vision otherwise your a blow hard who people mock
  7. i mean if your 20+ years old and people you dont know are hurting your feelings over the internet with there words than you should prolly just turn the computer off go outside and hop in traffic cause you aint ready for the real world
  8. Wasnt there but im sure the lads were killin it
  9. dang you should consider the next SB mini tourney with those times
  10. Ah yes the foreign guy with the hateful words LMFAO your flames are unoriginal and bore me I know you guys can do better. NEXT
  11. I wasn't there to carry oh whale LMFAO
  12. Was hella fun man ! Look forward to more events
  13. Xlpc gunna bring sharkbrew to life again 

  14. l0l we hit whichever clan was closest you literally brought another clan in your cape yet we are 2v1ing... HAHAHAHAHAHA ur mad bro the whole scene is laughing at you
  15. 2v1ing ? you teamed with HA l0l the fuck
  16. Lmao nightmare ranks are confused. They threaten clans with tanks than complain about tanks.... w0tfuck

    1. Show previous comments  29 more
    2. `Prod
    3. King Kinse

      King Kinse

      @brad mistaking u for this other buffoon. apologies.

      P R O D

      l0l dude you are braindead as fuck. NEXT 

    4. `Prod



  17. l0l weird how the only tanks we saw were old OB tanks and nightmare is OB v2.... so weird we had tanks ready for what nightmare had threatened us with. and they only logged in singles where Nightmares tanks ragged me and other ranks. we never hit any clans with tanks in the cluster or fighting 1 v 1 so try again
  18. other than 2 of the 4 xlpc clans teaming up was a good day in xlpc.

    ty rampage for the action 

    1. Koldkilla97


      Always a pleasure anytime u want clean action we down (:

    2. `Prod
    3. Lankz


      55 minutes ago, Koldkilla97 said:

      Always a pleasure anytime u want clean action we down (:


  19. Ascent btw 

    On The Rise 


  20. elmir the same guy to say he was an ending officer of CP just for P Tom to KYP him in my TS saying that rat never got ranked.... @Persian Tom Plz confirm so this rat can stay in his lane
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