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FOE Paul

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  1. We'll always be the best. Thanks for the clean fight Apex.
  2. Don't you guys pay the legendary clans "Knockout Pures" and "Blunt Purez" to come to your events on the weekends? Also FOE has bullied EOM out of the pure bracket for years now and it looks like you guys won't be able to compete as long as we're here. You're so shook you're not even willing to step foot in a safe minigame lol. Guess that's why you promote the doxxing, ddosing and mass mains in your clan to try and compete. I wonder how the handful of 18+/100+ IQ EOM members feel about that...I think deep down they're hoping for someone to take over but we all know you're not leaving your computer anytime soon!
  3. EOM is very cheap because I guess for the average 16 year old making 5$ is quite signifcant. Other clans where most of the members and ranks have graduated HS (unlike most of EOM leadership lol) are a different story but I'm sure they share this opinion.
  4. Yes I remember when EOM was actually capable of attending a safe minigame rather than getting bullied out of the pure scene and sniping pure trips with their mains.
  5. As expected the average intellect of EOM was unable to spot the ironic usage of this exact line, drawing parallels with "Chain of Law CC" spams all over Runescape during CP's most active era. The also poor and quite frequent attempts at discrediting FOE's reputation (which you are failing at quite miserably) does not draw away attention from the fact your main clan has been pulling 50 mains with a few random pures for months now (effectively bullied out of the pure bracket). Also the fact that your clan is the only clan that broke the anti-DOX agreement between the two. I think the evidence speaks for itself. You continuously have 50 mains in your clan's capes, our members doxxes are spammed both on your forums and in-game during events, and not even a week ago one of your clan members got demoted from this same community forum for trying to dox an innocent member of the community. Expected from EOM, but from a community perspective it''s quite sad how far EOM have fallen. I guess the incompetence of their ranks is to blame for every excuse they feel necessary to involve in order to justify their NH tactics.
  6. "Hey lol give me dox tools" "No" "Lol I didn't want them anyway" Smooth recovery m8
  7. I mean I guess making stuff up is the same as having one of your members getting demoted from their rank position on a community forum. People that aren't in EOM all realize you guys just post propaganda everywhere but the truth is you had multiple instances of personal information on your forums posted by one of your HCs and now your Sharkbrew official got demoted for the same scummy behavior. Very sad from EOM honestly. FOE dealt with the issue quickly removing information within the timeframe of mere minutes while EOM's personal information on FOE stayed up for weeks if not months on end. What is more amusing is the fact you pretend you are aware of the negotiations that went on between EOM/Foe/SB during that time. As it's obviously above your paygrade I'll quick summarize: FOE and EOM agreed on a joint statement to speak out against doxing in which our topic touched on the incident you're bringing up now. What you fail to mention is that EOM came back on their agreement to oppose doxxing the same night when it started spamming real life information of FOE officials and members on both their forums, IRC and even in-game during events. Everyone in the pure community knows EOM's word is hollow but the victim role you've all been playing so poorly and transparently is quite embarassing when you realize EOM is the only clan that overstepped the boundaries of the agreement on multiple occasions. It''s clear EOM has issues even controlling their own leaderboard ranks (17 was the one posting IRL information, an actual High Council of EOM). If that isn't the case, one can only conclude that these actions coming from EOM ranks and members are suggested, condoned or even orchestrated by EOM leaders. Care to touch on that? I also think it's very amusing you guys try and pin bringing mains on the actions of any other clan when you've been doing it consistently for years just like DDoSing and every other NH behavior EOM is known for. It's not unsurprising for a clan whose legacy is entirely dependent on these same NH antics.
  8. Expected response from a EOM leadership rank who posted personal information of multiple people in several clans on his own forums
  9. Weird that someone who always seemed very vocal against doxing turn into NH activities as soon as he's affiliated with EOM. Disappointed behavior but expected honestly.
  10. Hope this will be beneficial going forward even though it's a pretty small step. Agree it shouldn't be necessary but these issues have slumbered through for so long it might as well be worth a try to address them and hope it prevents it from existing in the future.
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