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Status Replies posted by WarChild

  1. gf apex that was fun

  2. gf apex that was fun

  3. goodluck to all lpcs today in p2p ! may the force be with u 

  4. Iced, a 4nr mute, is trying to claim he “made me.” I’ve been clanning years before you. I would never slave for a clan. I only do what I want to do one runescape.com. Now please stop mentioning me in your dumbass topics. I win some I lose some. I do win more over parody ob tho looool

  5. Iced, a 4nr mute, is trying to claim he “made me.” I’ve been clanning years before you. I would never slave for a clan. I only do what I want to do one runescape.com. Now please stop mentioning me in your dumbass topics. I win some I lose some. I do win more over parody ob tho looool

  6. Damn feels good to be 8-1 in mini's, 1-0 in preps, and 2-1 in weekends against Rampiss.

  7. Damn feels good to be 8-1 in mini's, 1-0 in preps, and 2-1 in weekends against Rampiss.

  8. yup yup kiss the ring 

    was ezz btw

  9. yup yup kiss the ring 

    was ezz btw

  10. @WarChild please stop tagging me in anything. You are a random 4nr. Thank you

  11. The day after I step down, I hear there are hella tanks in the xlpc scene. Yikes. Good luck to you all

  12. Yo @Kunoo playing runescape at school is not helping your clan.. u losing to a dumb 4ner living in a 3rd world country thoughts?? u fucking suck dumb fat mexican

  13. nightmare lol ty for action but we gunna play like you so i can say we actually bringing tanks.  :) 

  14. im using tanks   now no fucks given , 

  15. Gang shit, just heard the dawg is getting free'd up next week. These telly tings aint ready for us 

  16. Gang shit, just heard the dawg is getting free'd up next week. These telly tings aint ready for us 

  17. Gang shit, just heard the dawg is getting free'd up next week. These telly tings aint ready for us 

  18. LMFAO WTF IS Happening at ENVY HQ. Now Nightmare is helping FOE like LMFAO?????


    @Big Meat @TheReal ???

  19. So OB aka NM claimed to of closed us, who else? cus we about to give you a good spanking

  20. So OB aka NM claimed to of closed us, who else? cus we about to give you a good spanking


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