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Everything posted by roflcats

  1. So you ended with 40 on a high note? Is the high note crashing Doom vs AAO only to lose the fight and get walked down in single? Funny how you old had 25~ capes :s. Cya tomorrow ow8
  2. So you ended with 40 on a high note? Is the high note crashing Doom vs AAO only to lose the fight and get walked down in single? Funny how you old had 25~ capes :s. Cya tomorrow ow8
  3. So you lost every fight and used a ts leak to somehow brainwash your members into thinking you had a better trip? And then you ended your trip with 26 while Doom was still out with 42 Is that a fair summary?
  4. Laughing on ts at them getting cleared by eop is where we were lmfa0 Keep up the propaganda, always funny to read comedy posts
  5. So is that a no to an actual matched prep? Or are you actually broccolied and think you won the previous one that was unmatched?
  6. Propaganda kings @ RD, you have yet to beat Zu in a matched prep, but if you would like to lose, tell your ranks to accept!
  7. I forgot that there's only one time zone ot. good job on your trip, you and Sup should stop fighting in single though because I doubt any of your members enjoy it.
  8. Anyways back to studying my honors psych class Grats on dropping 40 people in 2 hours, looking forward to next weekend
  9. I'm guessing you are f34r considering you are struggling to quote anything that makes any sense lmao you actually have down syndrome in real life dude. Your quality of life is brown sticky stuff
  10. We beat you in the only legit round, note how you attacked 1st on our attacking round and your vid clearly shows you having a +2 before even attacking I'd say pretty successful I'm dying to get back into TLP with my 45 def account you're spot on there man Ssj4 and you must be friends considering he likes my little pony lmfao Note I asked for a rematch MATCHED PREP and your ranks declined isn't that right [rd]shawn
  11. ironic considering what you look like irl [rd]shawn
  12. cya next weekend h3h3h3h3 You edit your posts really fast haha Must be because you are dumb as brown sticky stuff and rd ranks guide you with what to actually type
  13. I already embarrassed your clan north of 50s lmao Not to mention gdz Do I see someone with a leather top and a gmaul?
  14. You didn't have 55 lol It was really dumb to get the prep at 7:15 est but that's our fault Nonetheless I really don't think sitting 13 people instead of 12 people is that big of a deal but it's your choice if you don't want to test your clan
  15. ? We actually have beat them more times than they beat us
  16. moderating the finest pure community site ever.
  17. supremacy saying they don't need to team when they have asked us to team the past 3 months for an anniversary trip @@SUP want another prep? Our online words hurt your feelings 2 much ;c?
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