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Everything posted by Bbm

  1. You people talking tough ?

    I'm calling your bluff.

  2. I heard that the female high council of IR 'Michelle' was in-charge of this 'doxing' btw. I guess she couldn't handle the fact that she was just another washed up Runescape player with nothing to add into a clan. It's a shame that IR has been taking these drastic measures onto the clan world. Side note to everyone ! I would like to congratulate Supremacy on taking the #2 spot from FOM today. Well done Sup.
  3. Are you that guy that Originalz always tells me about that's retarded? I feel like you are because he says leader....and Hassan isn't retarded he's just mentally ill... So that must mean .. Well see you on soon
  4. He left FOE because the first trip that 20 CD members massed join into FOE, they did the dumbest shit by promoting Hanuman, and then having two separates TS's because they thought CD would spy, therefore having FOE's second worst trip after (last weeks 3 minutes wildy trip lol)
  5. ? i don't get this topic. CD is closed
  6. this topic is cringe. you're cringe. no wonder why you're in IR lol and who would pm michaell for information, isn't he the dumb high council lol? can't even spell his name right
  7. kick giggs or die foe 120 - (calling df/ct) eop 120 - (will end up bringing mains because of ^ + jaja?)
  8. I can't take any of these topics seriously, Adhi in his own right is alright. Nox is pretty good, but every other name anyone else put up is terrible. @B S E Rs and @bbm are 10x far better than anyone else LMAO, shit I'll even throw @TBR@Matti @yoof @Jamer @debb @laloand @DULLin there.
  9. HANUMAN???? lmfaooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ??????????????????????????????????????? I joined FOE ts one time and heard him speak I had to log right off, that kid is TERRIBLE.
  11. shut up dude you're clueless.. he was hacked by giggs of fonam
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