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Everything posted by 2ndch4nce

  1. GFs, we will rise again, Gotta go against the best to be the best!
  2. How accurate was this intel again? oh wait lul
  3. Whatever helps you sleep at night. We sat 20 wild, multi, for 5 minutes waiting for you guys to remass after being demoralized as fuck.
  4. Whatever helps you sleep at night lmfao
  5. Wasn't directed at you, meant 'you guys' as the general SB community. Apologies if taken any other way, <3 u nawe
  6. You guys just don't recruit worth a shit any rely on clanhoppers to fill ur opts every week. IR has had a boom in recruiting and our public cc is almost constantly above 80 people, maybe if you spent less time flaming, and making propaganda and more time helping your clan, you'd notice more new blood. Taken mid-day CST. But by all means, ignore this post, argue about who has an imaginary belt, and bitch about how your scene is dying, when all you do to 'recruit' is try to convince others to leave their clans to join yours.
  7. I guess this is what I get for trying to talk to someone with the IQ of an orangutan, lol. How's Foe's cape feel on ur back?
  8. Go ahead and intro/apply to ir-rs.com Or I can link you a POV that isn't 3-4 minutes long and only includes 15 seconds of each fight, which somehow is a win? LOL
  9. Don't confuse our lack of topics on SB as us losing, the only IR members that use this forum are those that do so on their own accord. No use posting a topic on FOE/SUP alternate forum.
  10. Yet to see a vid posted by any SUP POV that had more than 25 seconds of any fight, or lasted longer than 4.5 minutes. Great trip, nice action there. LOL
  11. Yeah you do, I saw you staking at the arena tonight Not super lucky
  12. By this logic IR wins by default against SUP?
  13. Every hour spent recruiting is an hour they don't have to make propaganda, its a loss to them.
  14. Mental gymnastics lead to pretty rough results when your conclusion is already made.
  15. You keep trashing IR as if we have no community, but we probably have the only active community of all the clans out there. Keep crying and sucking SUPs dick. The only community we're undermining is your circlejerk.
  16. PM me to setup a 4v4 vs IR. We'll see if it's really ur specialty.
  17. SUP will never drop the mains, only way to combat is to beat them at their own game. This forum is basically a FOE/SUP Jerk-off anyways, so SUP will never admit to wrongdoing and no one will call them out on their shit without 4-5 people then ganging up on them.
  18. GF Apex, Lots to work on in p2p, as you do in f2p, hope we can continue helping each other improve.
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