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Everything posted by Prefade

  1. Part 1: Our prep with Trench Mob went exactly as we expected, within 10 minutes of a close fight we were crashed by SV assisted by Resurgence mains, obviously not anticipating that we'd agreed to team on crash we turned round and bullied them for 30 minutes straight before ROT showed up to help them out. We stuck around for a short while but in the end it became a 2v1 with us up against ROT and SV so we inevitably dipped. Thanks for the action clan world and respect to Trench Mob for the prep. Throughout all this we were wondering why our friends in Resurgence decided not to show up on their meds, ofc we all know what would've happened: Part 2: We headed to altar for a chilled out pk trip and our pull had naturally dropped by half. This meant Resurgence and their 15 man pull (on a Sunday!!! no wonder they hid all night) finally plucked up the courage to step into the wilderness to try and fight us. After about 10 minutes of getting battered by us, ROT logged in to bail them out as Res knew their dying clan wouldn't be able to handle Vengeance in a 1v1.
  2. Looked easy for you guys! good shit
  3. The Vengachads massed up for a quick sweep of the rev caves, didn't run into much competition. We found Rage who were out in force. They were not match for our superior builds though and were quickly cleared. We also caught wind that Wild Might were out macing, we decided to bait them into a clump were we gwassed them for 10m+ in a single barrage pile, including a full set of obsidian. Finished our trip at altar to make some monies. #Vengup
  4. Topic Originally Written By @wolffffView Original Topic Here. Decided to go out on a smallman, hit up altar and did a bit of singles to multi at cave entrance. Needless to say the VengaCHADS made absolute bank again grabbin +1's all over the place. Also had a little run in with Res at altar who seemed to have about 10-15 to our 5-6. We caught a couple of them in multi before they ran out into singles where we killed 1 of them while the rest tellied out or ran away
  5. Original Topic Written By Thomas, View Here Interested in joining the #1 Zerk/Tank/Med clan? Join Vengeance today at http://tastevengeance.com/forums/ After our successfull smallman trip earlier today, we decided to head out again. Started with about 8-9 at altar, ended with 15ish. We fought multiple teams, clearing every single one. Also baited some big ass single whales. EZ money for the VengaCHADs.
  6. Interested in joining the #1 Zerk/Tank/Med clan? Join Vengeance today at http://tastevengeance.com/forums/ Flew up the rev caves for a bit of smallman action this afternoon, had a small run in with SV and put an end to their trip after smacking them around for a few minutes. Rest of afternoon day consisted of clearing out smallmans and making money. #Vengup
  7. RIP to those 8 members who didn't have mains to hit us on
  8. Interested in joining the #1 Zerk/Tank/Med clan? Join Vengeance today at http://tastevengeance.com/forums/ 35 Strong vikings massed up for our scheduled prep vs VR, about 5 minutes into our battle we were crashed by SV and Resurgence on their mains as Res doesn't seem to have the morale to crash us on their actual med accounts anymore (You can hardly blame them after repeatedly suiciding to us the past few Sundays). Our agreement with VR was to team on crash which we did, resulting in SV and Res getting trampled on making their way back to singles where we tried to initiate some clan to clan banter, there was no response from the opposition though. We knew this would be a good time to restart our prep as SV and co would be licking their wounds and we were not wrong. We teled back up for another 15 minutes of action against VR who were down a few ops on us (Respect to them) and we eventually took a win against them. Good fight and thanks for the action VR. Our second part of the the trip took us to altar where we ran into singles team Carnage, due to their superior numbers they thought it would be a good idea to rush into multi however they didn't seem to take into account that they'd be tanking on brews. We focused targets with the highest risk killing their leader for 20m+ and killing several members for bank before they eventually gave up returning. Respect to those guys for trying and not being afraid to run into multi with risk. Another great Sunday in the books for the Vikings #Vengup
  9. Teaming with SV now you're even reusing turmoil memes lmfao. Your clan is literally a Turmoil remake. Who's the mediocre mains now? lmfao @Stl Arrow@Sybum
  10. That explains why you and half your memberlist turned up to watch us cwa pures
  11. Why are you trying to claim that kill lmfao, it was nothing to do with your shit clan dude
  12. Interested in joining the #1 Zerk/Tank/Med clan? Join Vengeance today at http://tastevengeance.com/forums/ Our Wednesday started off strong with a trip to rev caves where we ran into what looked like VR and SV, a scrap ensued for about 3 minutes before we took an easy win. Next time we saw the same group out they appeared to be joined by another open cc bringing their ops to 30+ which we were unable to handle at the time so we decided to leave as we didn't fancy a 3v1 down 15 ops! We transitioned around the wilderness where we made absolute bank running into no competition whatsoever, Enjoy our lootations! #Vengup
  13. topic created by @ZewyView original topic here Interested in joining the #1 Zerk/Tank/Med clan? Join Vengeance today at http://tastevengeance.com/forums/ Today after the inners session we decided to head out to do some pking. We didn't stay anywhere long. Deep wild, Altar, revs, lava gate... Nowhere was safe from the Viking quality tonight. We found a good little return fight at gdz vs some mains (not sure who) for about 20 minutes before the late night vikings grabbed the W. Revs was pretty much dead but we did find what appeared to be a strong misfits reunion which gave us a good fight for a few minutes but we got the clear without too much trouble. Enjoy the loot:
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