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Everything posted by MAGICfrmda6

  1. 1) TB for F2P 2) Get rid of PVP worlds so Zoom can reopen and close w8 again ty This is legit all you need to do for w8/xlpc plus the cc chat ... @slushpuppy
  2. Its cause you were in fearless lol, didnt fuck with those niggas
  3. Shit clan, I closed all versions of fearpoop
  4. If you skip out on some sleep to play rs I think you're the one that needs help man. Rs isn't serious lmao its for trolls don't get so heated my guy. The funny thing is that I don't even hate you lmao, Im just confused on someone who talks big about their irl would take a rank on sharkbrew ?
  5. You're a gatekeeper on a loser forums community lmao please stop talking man its quite embarassing. And yeah I like making multiple sb accs to flame losers like you. Yeah nice life spending 2 and a half hours on Saturday and Sunday playing runescape haha
  6. "Yeah I don't care about rs, I log on once a month and have fun" but takes gatekeeper rank on Sharkbrew...... lmaooooo thats so sad man imagine taking a rank on sb lmfao Jesus
  7. Get rid of f2p pvp worlds, and implement tb for f2p. Most of these kids commenting are irrelevant for f2p they don't pk in w8 or in f2p pvp worlds.
  8. MAGICfrmda6


    1. Current RuneScape Display Name/Past Display Name(s) Paperz 2. Tell Us About Yourself I make 6 figures a year 3. How Did You Hear About SharkBrew? From some losers 4. What PvP Communities Are You Part Of? (xlpc, lpc, zerk, main, etc? List all that apply) Money Team 5. Clan History Chasing this money unlike you losers 6. Additional Comments Sweet light skin nigga with waves getting this paper
  9. 1. Current RuneScape Display Name/Past Display Name(s) Paperz 2. Tell Us About Yourself I make 6 figures a year 3. How Did You Hear About SharkBrew? From some losers 4. What PvP Communities Are You Part Of? (xlpc, lpc, zerk, main, etc? List all that apply) Money Team 5. Clan History Chasing this money unlike you losers 6. Additional Comments Sweet light skin nigga with a long dick getting this paper @girls
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