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Everything posted by Viking

  1. Cd v11 is really bad! How does a 11 year old clan lose to a 8 month cp remake??

  2. Is @TBRreally piping up?  This guy is legit in his 40's and still leading a runescape clan, not to mention he's reopened the same clan for the 10th time now LMFAO.

  3. @Satans!seen Cd's p2p sunday topic lmfao, your f2p tanks cant help you on sunday
  4. tbr for ags and Fi member for elder maul, ez p2p sunday for Ly

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jez


      lol tbr lost ags again 

    3. Satans


      Hahahahah yeah bro!! :) 

    4. Viking


      cd kids are braindead in p2p lmfao

  5. Stop doxxing my members and I might consider giving you action.
  6. Cd keeps declining my prep requests lmfao beta clan.

  7. Zeke has either a low iq or a personality disorder LMFAO the loser thinks he's a famous youtuber yikes

  8. That's not what actually happens. Clan A will fight Clan B, and if Clan C crashes (with a 20 man pull), Clan D also crashes followed by Clan E and Clan F. Thats why clans constantly tele.
  9. Won't happen, how else would Cd and their 20 man pulls on sunday get any action? They would get steamrolled by every clan.
  10. Yikes keep defending your allies aka doxxing clan Cd.
  11. Oh no! Are you upset that your clan allies are doxxers?
  12. What is up.... DramaAlert Nation.... I'm your host.... Fat Scott.... Letsssss get rightttttt..... into the news! Legacy Leech, formerly Outrage Leech, formerly EoP Leech, formerly Panic Leech, formerly Cp Leech, has reportedly leaked Zeke's irl picture!!! The picture in question?? aka the youtuber known as Deji aka ComedyShortsGamer https://www.youtube.com/user/ComedyShortsGamer ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zeke reacts by threatening Legacy with doxxing Meanwhile, Jobless Discord Warrior Pabz took matters into his own hands by releasing Cp Sam's irl ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Will [Leet Tactics] Sam boot his bestfriend EoP Leech? Will Cd ever win a prep? Will clan-hopper Jamz continue hiding from Foe Danny? Will Scott finally get a gym membership? Stay tuned for the next installment of... #DramaAlert
  13. Cd fucking smoked in p2p

     TBR shaking irl

    imagine sounding like that hahaha 

  14. WOW your first topic in over 2 months... i guess all it took was to pay off rag teams + begging fi/apex/rage to help you for you to be able to compete LMFAO Cdead btw
  15. Ly last independent clan LMFAO cd gotta beg apex+rage+fi to come save them haha Ly wins again

  16. I killed cd in a 100v100 fullout lmfao was very ez

  17. "Ly is rushing us, quick run to singles!!" - Tbr on sunday lmfao


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