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Everything posted by Dizzy

  1. The scene is dead and can only be revived by capped def worlds
  2. Tbh people are gonna look back at this point of their life later and regret it so much. 90% of the current community logs in JUST to ruin the opponent clans’ day. Completely lost track of why they started playing the game we *used to* love
  3. You’re trying to push water up the hill.. Jagex is purposely drying out the PVP community because of its toxicity. The only thing that’s keeping some clans going is because they can’t let go of their fictional ego. It’s not about having fun anymore, not about winning either but about making other clans lose
  4. yeah agree lol it was fun but some people take it too far and then u just realise that its all retarded
  5. Hahaha yeah it's legit the most toxic and stupid community I can imagine. People are putting "killing clans" above actually having fun, I don't think you're ever gonna revive this
  6. I agree, at this point in the scene this should be qualified as a prep gz tigers
  7. Guess this is what cwa has come down to enjoy the last few months of cwa
  8. No sign of anticlogs this is jens assistan speaking
  9. Gj man. Also that Peligrosso guy had 4 drags as first pile last round what a beast
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