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Doom's Sunday ~ "Slumped To 39 Man Pull"

Retard Army

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Today we set out peaking at 54 Demons,  as usual we had 20 less than the rejects. But that did not stop us from killing everyone lol.


Shoutout to Sv, running away with 20 more than us


Shoutout to CD only wanting to be ballzy when Sv is nearby, but too bad they were not close enough during this.



P.S. There is a reason why you lose preps to clans like Xl, Envy, and Olympus's music bot.







Moni's POV


Alwaysbizzy POV




Started off fighting Olympus in like level 8 ss a few steps away from single. Was pretty matched, but we both bounced out when Sv thought they could come. Sv came, but they were too late, lol.



We then walked 10 levels north and attacked AAO vs Extinct?? Whoever it was they ran away quickly, sorry and good fight.



We then had the word that AAO and XL were going to fight, AAO rushed and XL logged for some reason. We then went in and fought AAO, respect for trying to fight back.




After this, right outside of castle Olympus rushed us and it was a 50v50 at first. Like 70 angry geeks showed up spamming like "ajajaja week 3 360 quick scope jaja." They killed no1 and we just went to single got a fall in and then rushed them. At 2:48 in Bizzy's video and 2:00 in Moni's video you can watch Doom push the dorks down to single, week 3 derp.



To end our trip we fought Sv 43vs57 at 13 ports, Despite being up 14, Sv didn't really kill many of us, and then Olympus showed up. And that concluded our weekend of Runescape.









e9ebf4766d8e0ac08a8cd665c45874b3.png<Big nose assassinated










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