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Check How Corrupt The "Pure Community System" is

Control Pker

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Disputed topic url(topic must include media and a summary of the trip in order to be considered a typical aftermath topic):


Summary: We started defending Corp hill when Invictus rushed from the east of us, we then started to battle the fight out but realizing that over 10-15 mains where in our back lines sniping callers and then killing

majority of the members with tones of complaints we then kept on fighting and beating Invictus in A Return fight though this was in fact a very hard fight matched considering the mains were in fact sniping us and not them. We then Hit Invictus with + opts but soon realizing that the mains where once again in our capes/ in our back lines once again, i then started to move our fighting down towards 13 ports after hitting Invictus again at ca but there were tones and tones of mains, it was so bad we started fighting IV in singles at lvl 8 wildy clearing all their pures. I then took a gyazo of the mains sitting there willing to attack us but most couldnt. 


As a result of this, sharkbrew officials do not go out of their way to lay consequences for their actions, this topic will only get moved to 40+ def pure aftermath without any other consequences. 

This is in fact how corrupts the pure community has become and ultimately these "pure clans" mind as well be adverting on Zybez where the rest of the main clans are. 

So, As this will continue for Sunday Trip we may just not participate in the Activity based on not being prepared to fight main clan snipe teams. 

It was very noticiable to see that IV brought tones of invites for their trip which lead to a big amount of mains attending with them knowing that it was happening. 


@@slushpuppy, if you can't see the mains hitting us or i really dont know what else to say to you at this point. 

These Mains were in fact ranged from 70-100 combat. Much were Impact Raggers/Invictus Raggers. 

URL to your own same day event aftermath:


Screenshot of Video evidence:


https://gyazo.com/7388dcb7a9c9e22bc06a95c7b7dac09e( a small picture of some of the mains waiting in singles)



These Pictures were just for me to see how many did they really have and i was shocked to see over 10+ be attentive to these fights. 

Pretty Sad but we all know Invictus couldnt fight Pure vs Pure because they would lose which is very obvious.

SO, What are some consquences that we can agree upon so that you @@slushpuppy are not worried about clans leaving your site and Losing Money because of laying down strict rules.

Because its Clear to me those the 2 things your mainly worried about and not so much attempt to keep the brown sticky stuff Pure in this cancer community. 


Love ya bud.





1:16 (Wearing our Capes and Killing our members this is exactly what they were doing) 

1:41 ( Impact ragger helping IV and in our capes once again) \

7:42 ( another one but the biggiest evidence of them being in our capes and killing our member (replay this part to really see it) 

7:46 ( Another 1) 

9:03 ( Ragger inside of us sniping myself clear evidence) 

11:10 ( just wanted to point out the main running with team 27 cape across to be with IV) 

11:30 ( main attacking on the bottom left of the video) 

12:40 ( Invictus Main Hitting SF member with range off the corp hill hitting him on little hill) 

13:17 ( invictus raggers hitting sf members) 

13:39 (Another main hitting our fallin on a pure) 







Sharkbrew Response from Officials 


Slushpuppy: Puts a Link to a Template and it States that you need to make a dispute in the same day as the topic so since i went to sleep

and woke up 1-2 hours after midnight for eastern the topic gets Ignored even though it clearly states all the facts of the opposing team having not only 5 mains but 10-15 inside of an LPC WAR l0l This is Exactly how Corrupt this brown sticky stuff Really Is. For the Fact of the Matter we all know Invictus would never be able to beat SF in the Wildereness Without Some Sort of a Unit Similar To what Impact did when they were "lpc" 

to Secure and Hope they could win using a back line Snipe Team. 


Well Since SF was the Puriest Clan we have clans like this that make legitimately pure clans turn into min 50% Mains to assure that they can show everyone on this cancer site that the mains really did help with them a fight. 


On This Note We Would Like to Say that SF will be welcoming The Mains.


S/O To all Pure clans that were "pure" before Competitors had to Ruin it for the Rest of us. 





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close already broccoli all you do is make your clan look bad you are the biggest downy on rs


and no1 wants to listen to you rage for 24 minutes

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control pker butthurt and trying to save his clan in a pathetic attempt, 100% sure you tell all your members we brought mains so u don't look like the piece of brown sticky stuff u are. 


and don't start about reputation, we are a true pure clan started from the bottom as a snipe unit, grown and got respect from our enemies. only you can't stand us because we clear you every weekend (u don't come out midweek). 


We got about 6 guys with 2-20 defence, how it should be in lpc. oh and we have 1 addy daddy because he got hacked by one of your sf members and got 27 defence, he is making a new pure atm.


SF... the worst there is, the worst there will ever be.

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control pker butthurt and trying to save his clan in an pathetic attempt, 100% sure you tell all your members we brought mains so u don't look like the piece of brown sticky stuff u are. 


and don't start about reputation, we are a true pure clan started from the bottom as a snipe unit, grown and got respect from our enemies. only you can't stand us because we clear you every weekend (u don't come out midweek). 


We got about 6 guys with 2-20 defence, how it should be in lpc. oh and we have 1 addy daddy because he got hacked by one of your sf members and got 27 defence, he is making a new pure atm.


SF... the worst there is, the worst there will ever be.

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control pker butthurt and trying to save his clan in an pathetic attempt, 100% sure you tell all your members we brought mains so u don't look like the piece of brown sticky stuff u are. 


and don't start about reputation, we are a true pure clan started from the bottom as a snipe unit, grown and got respect from our enemies. only you can't stand us because we clear you every weekend (u don't come out midweek). 


We got about 6 guys with 2-20 defence, how it should be in lpc. oh and we have 1 addy daddy because he got hacked by one of your sf members and got 27 defence, he is making a new pure atm.


SF... the worst there is, the worst there will ever be.


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Wow you really are bad at this clanning malarky Control... You need to look at you're own clan before making acquisitions like that at INVICTUS! You are the worst person in the wilderness for bringing mains...

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The staff don't care about mains, they care about activity.  You can whine about mains all you want. no clan that matters is going to stop using Sharkbrew over them.  If it makes you feel better, you and SF can stop using the site.  I know it will make a lot of people happy if you do.

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Hey control i had a Guy called king lamo lvl 87 ragging after me the whole trip, i've seen him with you a couple of Times before, but i suppose he is with someone else and not with you? Also saw more of your mains attacking our members.


Also u sure it wasnt ur own mains who finally had enough of you?

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@0:09 protect from mage? Award for being the worst f*cking leader in the pure community. hmm, or maybe most annoying voice. I can't decide...


Stopped watching after 10 secs, god bless sf, seriously, is it just the ranks that are broccolied or just the whole clan. Seriously, all you do is complain, get some concrete proof before you send us allegations.


All in all, it was a very fun trip, some fun fighting. Why ruin it by complaining ffs, when have we ever brought mains? why would we start now LMAOOOO, and for you? sf? Man this funny as hell. 


Control trying to make himself feel special, 


So, can we agree on a closing date or am I to be disappointed further. 




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