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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/01/22 in Posts

  1. This is why Focus left BP... Suiciding like rev isn't a good idea @sickko
    1 point
  2. Great job Foe and Gf Apex.
    1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. Forums | TeamSpeak | Discord Went out for 3 hours in a small group & destroyed everything that was in our direction finding not so killer whales & small teams was ez gf all.
    1 point
  5. BP ranks are actually so dogshit and clueless l0l0l00ll0l
    1 point
  6. Bp start getting used to suiciding like rev lmfao
    1 point
  7. gratz on your 4 man pk trip
    1 point
  8. 7m in 6 mins 1m+ per min or so then it snowballed fun day
    1 point
  9. smokin that wook pack rn gz on the win terror
    1 point
  10. got a wolf on my necklace
    1 point
  11. L0L next time pay your cave tax
    1 point
  12. old + chopped audio weird how no1 was wearing a purple hat and we were all barraging really shows ur iq l0000l if we suck so much why won't rot (or any other clan) fight us matched cwa in either server? l000l ill tell u why its because they know they're a dogshit masser clan with 0 quality and will get victimized then can't propaganda their way out of that L
    1 point
  13. Think Zenith is more useless fire surging at ca with lvl 67 accs.
    1 point
  14. gwasballed live and caught in 5k dumb dogs try harder
    1 point
  15. A whole paragraph when u could have just said ur clan got exploded by fi on their anni
    1 point
  16. If you want a pure clan that calls ROT for aid join zenith today!!
    1 point
  17. Gz foe and gz zenith last pure clans left. -Fi: projecting their insecurities by hiring mains and claiming fake wins. Fuckin smoked 4x by foe. Pulled 50 vs foe’s 70 -rage didn’t do ANYTHING all day to anyone, pulled 30 -bp: should of closed 2 years ago, shit fucking clan
    1 point
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