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Everything posted by orgasms

  1. is terror still open? lmao no troll here didnt see them for a while
  2. go easy on dem cute bears lmao @IRoss still need the money for the vennies? heard ur out of the greens
  3. Daily reminder: Rage is the only clan to win a "worst clan" award, ever!


  4. Daily reminder: Rage is the only clan to win a "worst clan" award, ever!


    Rage was bullied from f2p today

    OFF nfs ;)

  5. Daily reminder: Rage is the only clan to win a "worst clan" award, ever!


  6. Daily reminder: Rage is the only clan to win a "worst clan" award, ever!


    Rage and the mains sitting in singles today yikes

    1. Meerkat


      The 20 ly applicants in rage didn't last longer then 10 minutes into their singles fight today btw...


  7. Daily reminder: Rage is the only clan to win a "worst clan" award, ever!


    Rage is still the only clan that use mains in the pure scene and they should be punished more!


  8. Daily reminder: Rage is the only clan to win a "worst clan" award, ever!


    Rage was bullied to clan wars 

    Remember OFF is nfs ;)

  9. bullied to clan wars remember always off nfs
  10. Daily reminder: Rage is the only clan to win a "worst clan" award, ever!


    1K7WSyJ.png This is the most pures Rage had ingame all weekend. Imagine being in a pure clan and every time you log in into weekends your clan has 5 pures

    1. H88


      winning "worst clan" on a pedophile website = best clan

    2. orgasms


      leave my status vitcim!

    3. H88


      free crying

  11. yes sirr stop pming me pleasee thxxxx jjjjjaja
  12. loool the cry baby left ly and went to more dead clan nice 10 man pull HAHAHA
  13. 1K7WSyJ.png This is the most pures Rage had ingame all weekend. Imagine being in a pure clan and every time you log in into weekends your clan has 5 pures

  14. 1K7WSyJ.png This is the most pures Rage had ingame all weekend. Imagine being in a pure clan and every time you log in into weekends your clan has 5 pures

  15. 1K7WSyJ.png This is the most pures Rage had ingame all weekend. Imagine being in a pure clan and every time you log in into weekends your clan has 5 pures

  16. Daily reminder: Rage is the only clan to win a "worst clan" award, ever!


    Looks like @IRoss got paid and have the money to rent vennies but still not working out well for rage 

    'Did rev leave us'' ''Ight just dip''

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