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Everything posted by humanbear

  1. yikes zenith posting fake topics when they're not even involved. Rev is living rent free in ur head
  2. Here I corrected it for you. GMT vs EST Castle wars (or soul wars) event would be cool. Castle wars/soul wars clan tournament would be sick too if clans actually show up. Anything 2v2 (where clans pick their own ally) is likely to be biased in terms of quality. Also gear capped tournies would be cool
  3. Gz on the win Guess this explains why fo wont prep Rage
  4. Ah yes another win for the boys. Close fights FI n Terror!
  5. On the this evening the lads gathered 32 Bears for a P2P war against BP. Once we got started and took round 1 very convincingly, we kept our focus and took rounds 2 and 3 in similar fashion. Good fight BP! Looking forward to the next one. Start: 29 End: 20 Result: Won Start: 30 End: 19 Result: Won Start: 31 End: 20 Result: Won @Matias @Wizzy @Broxxx @Trajan
  6. Second but yeah, 3-0 vs Dynasty and now VR. Send us a message and we'll set something up!
  7. Are you dumb? rot+ez+sv has been on on us for over 6 months and we're still fucking fo l0l0l0l0l
  8. Today was fo's anniversary and we set out with one thing in mind, to ruin their sweet 16. Expecting them to pull higher than normal, we massed up 70 Bears to make sure this is the worst anniversary in the history of pure clanning. We gladly welcomed fo (and rot/z) inside the wildy after it took fo an entire hour AFTER massing to step foot in he wilderness. As we've been seeing a trend lately, we asked them if they were planning to wear their rivals cape on their anniversary. It didn't take very long for them to actually put on team-9 capes as they were being farmed. Fo got cleared with only a few rot members left, which lead them to immediately switch to team-9 capes. For the next 5 hours, we continued to farm fo and breaking their members to ensure they had the worst anniversary anyone's ever seen. @Fo, You had your retirees come back only to put on your rivals team-cape get completely demolished on your anniversary, better luck next time Thanks to the 70 Bears that showed up and made sure to completely destroy 16 years of a shit clan. (more coming soon)
  9. LOOOOOOOOL fo nice anni 😂 we fucking told you what would happen

  10. 20v20 inners while you pull 16 to preps l0l0l0l
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