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Everything posted by Htown

  1. Congratulations on NOT winning WCOTM @zenith. All of those topics....for nothing.

  2. It's 2023 and @Scimsis still trying to close Legacy after moving back and forth between his abyss that he crawls out of every 6 months? That's kinda embarrassing.
  3. oh wow I didn't realize Apex was still open since their sb role got deleted a couple days ago nice fight!!!
  4. anyways...Funky Buds is a leader of fo, that's really all that needs to be said.
  5. Forums | Teamspeak | Discord Today Fatality massed up 20 men to go get some wilderness action. We went into the wild setting up a fight vs Blunt Purez where we spread south of ghost hut, At the start of the rush we instantly got aggressive focusing Blunt Purez's frontline, Misfits would soon crash for a nice friendly cluster we pushed north and wrapped on top of Blunt Purez sandwiching them between Blunt Purez and ourselves, we caught many clumps at pond and exploded them. The fight would move back and forth between corp/18's and CA later ending at fog. Thanks for the action Misfits/Blunt Purez.
  6. Forums | Teamspeak | Discord Fatality approached Legacy for some P2P CWA action in the form of a "first to 25" fight, this is how it went. Round 1: Fatality: 25 Legacy: 12 Round 2: Fatality: 25 Legacy: 7 Thank you for the action, Legacy.
  7. Forums | Teamspeak | Discord Fatality ventured into the wild this fine Friday night with our beers and bitches to go own whatever we can find. We started our trip off at slayer caves running into some FO kids and we quickly engaged in a fight. Clearing up what we could catch of them and gaining some loot. Thanks for the fight:) Misfits approached us for a fight and we happily accepted. The fight started at boneyard and eventually ended up at C/A. While the fight went back and forth it remained un crashed and lots of good action was had. Thanks for the fight MF.
  8. Which cape will @K2Pbe forced to wear next weekend? 


  9. you wouldn't compete no matter the rules so ty for your irrelevant opinion
  10. I agree, bring back gatekeeper Htown to revive forums.

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