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Everything posted by Doyph

  1. I thought that mini was vs hydra they got 2-0'd?? Oh wait they lost to OG as well didn't they...
  2. gf ly, stellar performance on this screen jimward, a lot for the sharkbrew community to learn by observing that gameplay of yours.
  3. Terrors 10 kill pics vs our 50, imagine if all our members shared their looting bag pics, my 8 are missing.
  4. Who's gonna watch a 14 minute video of you getting ragged by 1-itemers
  5. You guys stay droppin cape count in singles, lmao, so much funny bullying u and other crap members. we'll bring addy scims next p2p trip so you have a shot at a kill or 2.
  6. Don't @ me on discord terror stalkers, we dont want you fan girling sup members
  7. Great fights for supremacy before Fatality got a phone call from Terror each time. Terror loosen up the leash on Fatality, ty
  8. "More serious communities" Again, a game designed for kids, need to take the game for what it is, a game. If you bring anything relative to real life into it, especially with negative intentions, you have some sort of mental disorder. I'd take a nice break from whatever game it is, if it ever means this much to you.
  9. My man, you know this is a video game designed for teenagers right? Time to get outside and see what the real world is like, if you need to understand why this isn't necessary.
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