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Everything posted by Duraizio

  1. I think only one pov used a pile finder. However, I can vouch that the person technically doesn't need it. None the less, it was a good competitive fight between both clans. Don't let the haters say otherwise. Edit: You are correct that half of the povs contain a pile finder.
  2. Yeah I guess you're right.. I'll quit commenting on this website because of your opinion.
  3. To be honest, a leak is not going to stop Terror from competing against you or dominating you in a fight. The only thing it allows is your clan to attack when the numbers are not equal.
  4. I personally don't think multi-clanning or the main community is the problem here. People are going to try to break rival clans either by leaking, crashing, or using mains/meds. I don't foresee things changing in that manner. If you want pure only action, then create a new trend. Make pure fights last as long as some of the pre-eoc main fights. 1-item rag your opponent until they give up. Change the game plan somehow.
  5. You expected them to fight down 15? Imagine if Terror would have 1-item ragged you for hours on end.
  6. I think the problem in itself is that the art of clanning has changed. I was part of the main community during 09-2012. Fights were much cleaner and there were more clans to engage in battle with. I honestly don't remember hearing of people multi-logging during those years nor do I remember leaks being a common thing. In order to make a short concise point, I don't believe the defense level is the root cause for mains being involved. I think clans are no longer capable of taking a loss. Instead, they will have an arsenal of accounts at any level bracket to win at all costs. I cannot speak for why Main clans would want to rag the pure scene, but I do believe the only way to deal with them is by sending a message (team against crash). Figured I should add, I do believe a "defense reset" would help revamp the scene. Of course, there will always be 1 defense pures that join clans regardless of the current defense cap. However, I think a defense reset would be good for newer clanning community.
  7. I think it would be interested to see Terror vs Supremacy.. Week long prep.
  8. Teaming on crash is generally an honorable thing to do. It shows the crashers that they cannot intervene in a fight without it being 2v1. Without using current clients, neither clan would have had to take off capes. They would have took you apart from different sides.
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