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Everything posted by Zed_

  1. Worse part is over the time the graphics only got worse, this site has so much to offer kappa.
  2. LOL you thought I was talking about /eop/ LMFAOO go check your own forums for christ sake.
  3. do you want it back up, you just have to stay it? Could also make /leech/ if you wish, like I can put anything there and there is nothing you can do about it since your entire rank structure is a bunch of uneducated morons lmao. You still haven't found it yet did you?
  4. Pretty much any clan besides eop/cd
  5. Nah im going to continue to leak eom's audio / boards and crash them every time they go out (so 2 days / week) till they close for the 8th time again. I'm going to hold up my 3rd trophy against them like its a achievement (which its not since they are all brown sticky stuff)
  6. my clan has 5 preps this week, can't say the same about pussy eop.
  7. This @Tannie kid begged hittin if he could take credit for his topics and actions and post it on sharkbrew

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Cody9204


      @slushpuppy isnt hittin banned from sb? ban @tannie's account quick!!

    3. Tannie


      pretty sure no1 asked lol. but hej. i'll see u soon ok zeppke :)

    4. Zed_


      u got anymore mates left

  8. @@Tannie u legit begged hittin if you could take credits for his topics lmfao stop acting like ur a bigshot u couldn't even control ur 10 little med levels
  9. they are one of the most inactive forums lmfaoooooo who are you joking
  10. My clan is on a 5 prep win streak, meanwhile eop is on a 5 prep losing streak. I'll ignore wildy don't want u to close this soon.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ryannn


      eop wont even prep ub lmao

    3. Kiwis


      gz ub, you got eop shook.

    4. Imperial Spartan

      Imperial Spartan

      Lmfao fake smile led a brown sticky stuffty clan called prestige brown sticky stuff was more irrelevant than Lithuanian pures

  11. LOOOL eop's no intel ranks tried to hit us with 13 people LMFAOOOOOO

  12. you weren't even in the hpc scene lmfao, god you're so cauliflower.
  13. ??? We didn't even lose 9, I wonder how brainwashed eop's leadership is. But than again u still haven't realised we won 3 by now hahahahaha,
  14. x2 0-30 losing streak 0-5 in ur 3rd pretty much lost ur 3rd rivarly aswell loser.
  15. 3rd attempt? We were competing for #1 last time lmfao where the fuck were, get ur facts straight moron.
  16. Yeah 100% while I was in sovereign you opened and closed chaotic like x3 rage closed and the other brown sticky stuff clans u've been apart of that closed. Meanwhile my clan is still open lmfao
  17. says the one who just opened a clan lmfao
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