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Everything posted by Kanicus

  1. Went out for some casual rev pking with 15 Big Dick Bees, we ran into some clans like Foe, Purge, and Hydra which we ran thru quickly. After 30 minutes of massing fi went out with about 14 and attempted to log in on us, We made light work of the these rejects. After massing up some more fi tried to hit us again, we turned around and gave them the smoke. After being cleared for the second time, fi went back to edge again to mass more. After massing for 15 more mins fi mustered up the courage to come at The Hive again, we found them and bum rushed them from the north, fi members clumped like retards... we cleared them quickly for the third time. Demoralized, fatality was sent to edge with their third fat L of the day. @BackWoodsL PoV
  2. I mean the vid cuts both times when your vidder dies and looks like you’re losing, so pretty sure this is a losing topic, but nice action regardless! wouldn’t be talking about leaks when you can’t even protect a dds though
  3. Envy open and close more than @Coucks mouth mate, obviously got triggered by my comment but what do you expect, I’m sick of seeing envy attempts, either commit and stay open or just give up.
  4. Envy/Hydra won’t last or do anything. Goodluck to Rampage & Outbreak, idk why you put Purge in here, you’re already an LPC that does LPC trips lol.
  5. I remember fighting Outbreak when I was in Olympus nice and welcome back
  6. Haven’t seen you at revs recently, we always out here.
  7. 2-1 in sets, gf fellas. @BackWoodsL PoV
  8. 2-0 in sets, gf apex @BackWoodsL PoV
  9. 2-0 in the sets, gg @OI_VC PoV
  10. Fair, I look forward to my Misfits COTM sigs once again
  11. Ew pvming clan Misfits got some people that do raids and bosses on pures, but majority of the time we’re pking, feel free to check us out though.
  12. Why did you remove WCOTM? that promoted so much wildly activity. Im all up for official P2P fridays though and I’m sure Misfits would bee.
  13. Join Misfits you beautiful pures, we run the wild. 

    1. Fear The Beard

      Fear The Beard

      u pull 5 people to mandatory midweek trips shutup dude 

    2. Bryan


      Fatality ended your clan lmfao

  14. Hi,

    Join Nightmare Today. :)


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