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Everything posted by Aziz

  1. I can add a filter too jk nice work
  2. xlpc kids are dogbrown sticky stuff rejects of the high tier pure community

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Zed_


      Nvm you aren't even in a HPC extinct lmfao

    3. Rijn


      I killed ur clan like I killed vp lmfao

    4. Aziz


      @Rijn Only thing you killed is my brain cells with your lack of intelligence. How does it feel when even zu doesn't want you

  3. all u xlpc kids are trash

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rijn


      ur clan got closed by dudes clan LMFAO

    3. Korbin
    4. DNYS


      who the fuck is this guy

  4. good job making cp look worse than it really is
  5. You set up a 100v100 between lvl 40's? Very impressive, good luck with your future endeavors!
  6. gj curse, fuck all these salty ass kids from other xlpcs that take the scene way too serious
  7. Since when is quality based off of 2 mini's lmfao
  8. Wasn't using google, you're the one using it and can't translate slang, and your name should be Элвер тормоз.
  9. нахуй надо
  10. No longer using the acc "Shadowfiends"

  11. it's all banter no one really cares about all these brown sticky stuff clans anyways
  12. amazing guide 10/10 but could use more pictures!
  13. Yet they act so cocky
  14. Just as long as you last in any clan
  15. The real question is: "What's it like being the reject of the community?"
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