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Status Updates posted by Dude

  1. Heard Sv and Rd are having a fullout... brown sticky stuffs going to get crashed by every clan lol.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. A7X JUAN

      A7X JUAN

      lol sv just gonna bring mains dw

    3. Junior


      no brown sticky stuff..

  2. Remember that time EoP won a fullout? Oh wait...

  3. LOL Hittin won best clan leader

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Elve


      Even worse then eops 15 man pulls. Nah doe. LOL

    3. Elve


      Even worse then eops 15 man pulls. Nah doe. LOL

    4. Hax


      brown sticky stuff kid is brown sticky stuff LOL

  4. If Hittin wins best clan leader I'm reopening Pure Warfare

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Sith


      MM lost to RD as well, except when that mystery clan logged in.

    3. Jonas


      @Sith, you guys got dicked my mm multiple times with 25 ops on them. No excuses there is vid proof.

    4. Plawpy


      whatever keeps those w2 mass recruits in rd still sith...

  5. Ascent better watch out, THE DEMISE PURES are after them l0l0l0l0l0l00l.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Cursed Ranqe

      Cursed Ranqe

      The flame begins!

    3. Spliff


      something something flame

    4. Dude


      d4rk, I don't really take Pure clanning seriously lol. If I don't have fun, I leave the clan, Pure clanning to me is just something to do when I'm bored tbbt. Also the only 2 clans I've been in the last 2 months were Dignity/Demise, and I only founded Dignity.

  6. Even though Hanuman wasn't the best Mayhem Maker, he was still a Mayhem Maker and thats the only reason TLP was even relevant for the past few months. Deranking him was a mistake, RIP TLP 2k16-2k16

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Raccoon_187


      it was Dude's MM

    3. Zed_


      thank you lord dude.

    4. Marko1


      removing hanuman was probably tlp's best choice, well done tlp

  7. What did Hittin do after having Sex with his girlfriend? He put her diaper back on.

  8. What should I do to increase my chance of getting a promotion?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Lagg


      Ask your clans staff what you could do 4 this

    3. ladyman


      threaten to I don't hate you but your clan, mayhaps you'll get some dead end rank out of pity

    4. Tictac


      sith thats my job.

  9. I thought this site was cracking down on flamers... It looks to me as it got worse. I guess thats what happens when a Sv member gets Mod.

  10. So I heard RD calls D scim pushes. Still better than CP though.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Biased


      Shouldn't EoP be asking Main teams to come on their official trips right now?

    3. Bxyz


      we dont call d scim pushed l0l

    4. Sith


      don't crack on our d scim pushes, they klear klens!

  11. is there going to be another red vs blue this year?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Rhythm


      yeah wtf, they announced the teams like 3 months ago too

    3. Tyrone


      @LongShlong you fucking broken dishwashing machine

  12. Just watched both videos and idk how RD is even trying to claim a win on this LMFAO. On the other hand who the fuck fights a fullout in single....

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bxyz


      sith your posts always make me laugh

    3. blk wiz hat

      blk wiz hat

      redemption is slumping they have to resort to lying

    4. Holmes


      any clan that lets kids bring tele's to saturday/sunday trips

  13. Is Hazard still around? Haven't seen them in a while.. No flame just stating facts

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sith-


      looks as if he is stating facts

    3. Dude


      Westbrook always got my back :)

    4. Tictac


      westbrook i heard no clan accepts you nice 20 def unquested fking bundle of twigsgot

  14. If tomatos could fly Sv would be up in the sky :). Credits to Rebel.

  15. why isn't mm in the red vs blue war?

  16. FOEVoP will carry red!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pk Regular

      Pk Regular

      more like foe will carry lol

    3. Plawpy


      dont worry mm will be there to carry everyone

    4. Zee
  17. Foe just Accept the fullout.. 150 RD is the same thing as 50 Foe

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Attackings


      And publicly announces he leaks. Fucking broccoli.

    3. EoP-Rs


      rd will just have to pull 360 people

    4. Sith


      we will pull 400 for this event.

  18. Shoutout to the boys in Fi for ruining yet again another event

  19. If your HPC isn't FOE or SV, you should rethink your clanning life.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ferocious


      @Acid you closed your HPC clan to make a brown sticky stuff MPC that is worse than remedy lmfao

    3. ferocious


      @Acid ZU got closed by RD who lost a rivalry to your current HPC.. damn must suck!

    4. Cronic


      u like sv now? haha

  20. Was fun, Gf Cp/Sv EOP #1!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dude


      Stfu kid ur 1st clan was Sv.

    3. Dude


      I mean Ascent* .66 kd and u weren't even a rank LOL

    4. eop hider123456

      eop hider123456

      Lol still bringing up the past.... would like me to bring up the fact that your a nobody?

  21. Summer is over and so is RD.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ClearlyYou'reMad


      you got declined from eop #Killyourself

    3. Holmes


      Your still 62 cb your opinion is invalid

    4. blk wiz hat

      blk wiz hat

      slump slump slump rd lost all its best members after losing and lying about that fullout

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