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Everything posted by Dude

  1. Looks nice, you should make a website or something like the other GFXer's have to look more professional if you want more business.
  2. Dude

    hmm yes

    Purple: Ar000000000000000000000 Told ya we're coming back, good luck guys keep our legacy alive <3
  3. Sucks bro, a lot of old Apex people are in Devotion rn Come into devotion.teamspeak3.com and talk to @@#Toxic the ex leader of apex
  4. Was my first mini in over 6 months haha, was fun
  5. is there going to be another red vs blue this year?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Rhythm


      yeah wtf, they announced the teams like 3 months ago too

    3. Tyrone


      @LongShlong you fucking broken dishwashing machine

  6. @@Persian Tom @@Moni @@slushpuppy @@Braden @all ranks of sharkbrew Somehow you guys forgot to add this mid-week into consideration where we pulled 19 to on April 5th. If you add this, this puts Devotion's wildy count at 623 and makes Devotion the winner for Wilderness clan of the month. Everyone makes mistakes and I'm not here to blame anyone or point fingers, last month something similar happened with FOE and EoP where EOP was wrongfully awarded Clan of the Month due to misinterpretation of rules but the ranks came together and awarded FOE its rightful award, and I hope you guys do the same for LPC. Topic: http://www.sharkbrew.com/community/index.php?/topic/18903-devotion-vs-pop-3am-4519-eastern-fullout-wildy-pkri/?p=507122 LPC Blood Vikingz 28,44,61,40,70,60,60,54,65,58,26,46 = 612 Devotion 80,55,30,50,47,85,34,42,78,45,58 = 604 + 19 = 623
  7. Finally am caught up, someone link me to a site so I can watch it plz, having trouble finding a good site for this haha
  8. good topic Sith, now take your own advice and close RD
  9. Olympus banter is so justin beiber
  10. Chill man, I got nothing against you just a few people in your clan who aren't even from SV
  11. Wait what lol, since when was Rage #1 matched?
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