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Not Doopy

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Everything posted by Not Doopy

  1. EoP you lapped around GDZ 18 times in a row! A new record!

  2. last time foe did a 2v2 with eop it was 85 foe 15 eop :s
  3. i would possibly join an MPC if they did p2p.
  4. nvm its a fuckin cowboy
  5. a bird pooping & holding a lizard
  6. Soon enough foe called Fi and they rushed us from the east and hit us. We pulled west and they dipped out and left us to fight foe, eventually foe ran to old gate and dipped from EoP. This is where we moved to GDZ and the fight ended. do you actually believe the stuff you write lmao
  7. Eop just got dicked. lets see if they tele up somewhere & take a fake ending picture.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Paddy


      i saw them run east and go to members gate only to run back to gdz minutes later



      U know bout them fake endings lmfao

    4. 0ldschooler


      You should be happy that EoP is even giving you fights IN P2P down 30 instead of flaming you fucking gremlin lmfao

  8. No one in Foe uses 30 defence accounts for Preps/Trips.
  9. http://www.foe-rs.com/forums/pages/ml
  10. idk man i saw tlp had like 60-70 ingame vs eop's 40 for like 40 minutes straight & rd was hitting tlp as well..
  11. don't claim #1 when u cant even fucking pull 35 retards salso's power is out and shawn can't be on because or irl brown sticky stuff, and half our leadership isn't online

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. toenail884cutter7


      i agree eop and tlp really are the worst :o

    3. Ash


      RD is worse than cp and Fi put together lmfao

    4. Zed_


      Lmfao ash you were in it your clan history worse than energy's run.

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