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Everything posted by Yaz

  1. This rivarly is over now its just a slaughter

  2. Cdead didnt take 2 steps away from single all trip

    Know ur place rats 

  3. thoughts and prayers for Cdead tomorrow

    How do u pull 60 mains and still get slapped?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Red Vision
    3. CD15134562345


      All this talking and your clan is still dying LOL

    4. CD15134562345


      @Killer Kamalunless you're on foe or fi im sure CD has more history than any shit clan you're in right now

  4. giphy.gif?cid=790b76115d0ba8d37257736e6b


    Cd ranks when they hear Legacy just gwassed them at rev caves LMAO

    1. CD15134562345


      Your midweek pulls are dropping uh oh

  5. Cdead

    banned from wildy sb and disord 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. CD15134562345


      and it scares the fuck out of you

    3. Yaz


      are you speaking to yourself?

      Theres a reason CD has never won a rivalry


      You might survive, but bottom feeding isnt really living 

      Forever in my shadow btw

    4. CD15134562345


      I've killed more clans than you have been in

      Legacy is basically a group of rejects from all the clans we've closed LOL

  6. The only action cd get all week is crashing a pure fight with 15 Mains lmfao

    Look at the rats climbing out of their holes

    Ur in for another weekend of pain btw

    Keep avoiding, ur clan is a feeder clan for mine

    1. CD15134562345


      Watching you make threats makes me cringe everytime especially when you don't realize how fucked your clan really is

    2. NL_Ronald


      @Dillon Howlettdidnt splash water on his face

    3. CD15134562345


      was that supposed to make sense

  7. Cd burried alive and no one coming to their aid lmfa00 

    Even xlpc scapers know ur a dead clan

  8. Cd make irl threats just to die to superior clan Legacy 

    apps are open Sam will wash u of ur sins 

  9. Cdead have had 3 aftermaths in 12 weeks of being open They tried Dox (failed) IRL threats (failed) Teaming (failed) Mains (failed) Offering merges (failed) Inviting XLPC lvl 50s (current strategy) On top of this they are banned from SB, discord, and osrs wildy This is what happens when u make IRL threats to a superior clan. Know your place, which is fucking last
  10. This why they cant compete If they spent time trainings their members they might not do half bad, but they always go for the quick fix; mains, dox or teaming
  11. The only thing CD is good for is taking this beating week in week out and being a good submissive dog
  12. Thoughts and prayers go out to all Cd members rn killed in the fields of osrs and ran out of SB You wanted the fire but can't handle the smoke Please for the love of god prove me wrong and actually DO something, This has been 2 easy for 2 long... (unless ur strat is to wait for us to get bored of osrs LMFAO)
  13. Cd are so used to being dominated that theyve just stopped replying LMFAO 

    Ur banned from SB, discord and ur banned from wildy

  14. Cd is literally the worst clan in the history of pure clans

    Know your place, which is fucking last

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