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Forever Green

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Everything posted by Forever Green

  1. lol foc has nothing they are 1-6 vs us in p2p preps, lose f2p to sup, #4 in the wilderness in both f2p and p2p l000l ur clan legit has nothing and neither do you, ur gf cheated on u with ur best friend l000l kiss the belts l000l
  2. didnt ur leaders join ob ts to try get ob to help their snipe team with eop lol what a bunch of betas running to ur own rivals l00l
  3. lol @Elve still repping sv sig and claims he doesnt want to be in them but knows they wont let him because hes shit l000l
  4. you rep this sig still l000l wannabe they hate you and wont let you join LOL
  5. is that @H I T T A, hanumans boytoy, callling someone a fuckbuddy? u were ordered at and screamed at by a faggot l000l
  6. not like youre allowed to join l00l
  7. didnt that clan exile u after you slaved gfx l0l
  8. bro he was in fatality getting slumped by eop at that time l000l
  9. 2015 and 2016 bro? l00000000l ur 1-7 vs us in p2p preps loser hahahahhaa
  10. so you finally win 1 from 7 preps and you sit there flaming while ur 1-6 lmfao?? youll never be at our level
  11. lol foc stop pming us to let you wear apex capes this weekend no we dont want ur mains and u can die to eop on ur own l00l

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. H I T T A

      H I T T A

      Lmao you're so mad!!!! Hahahahhahahahha Xd

    3. Forever Green

      Forever Green

      hahaa ur 1-6 mad loser

    4. H I T T A

      H I T T A

      Cry more 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  12. l0l foc are now 1-6 vs apex congrats on the "one win doesnt mean anything" l0000l stay below the p2p godkings

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Forever Green

      Forever Green

      l00l thnx 4 the belt retard stop begging me to let u come in apex capes this weekend hahahaha

    3. H I T T A

      H I T T A

      Forever green is so sad he lost holy fuck lmfao

    4. Forever Green
  13. l0l @Eriks gf cheated on him with his best friend l0000l beta as fuck

    1. Erik


      Lmao what you on about bud i fucked your girl

    2. Forever Green

      Forever Green

      ur girl cheated on u l00000l beta male

    3. Erik


      Lmao this guy has freckles and red hair and can’t handle I fucked his ugly gf

  14. awkward when eop have 100ml already and fs have leadership ranks that are on ob (rival) ts crying about eop and getting banned l000l
  15. l0l have u seen @17_s cashstack, u think he doesnt have multiple leaks l000l ur obv new to clanning
  16. EOP are lucky that those losers are staying fs l000l dont think they need betas like that who get played and also lose preps to ob l00l @Aysix @exzrts
  17. didnt u last like 2 weeks against jamz era (the weakest era) l000l he bent u over and made you fake quit rs and still log in with private off l00l
  18. l00l foc dog cant even retaliate cos he knows his clans dead hahaha
  19. l00l cry more foc dog 0-6 btw l000000l now ur losing all ur eop
  20. I would have to say Final ownage mains. They are not #1 anywhere, losing matched titles to supremacy and apex, and at least #4 wildy, being behind supremacy, ir, and apex. They also bring mains and rely on pile leaks for preps lol and are currently 0-6 vs apex in p2p preps (refer to sig btw) l00l and really who wants to listen to danny cry and jamz houdini when eop slumps him any longer l000l
  21. l0l @holydreams already on eop ts begging for off and fo members not to leave from bad p2p clan to worse l000l

  22. @Himsa pulled 40 today and couldn't compete with supremacy and ir l000l instead he had miniwars at gdz with fi and wore ir capes hahahahhaha

  23. l00l @Jamz @holydreams think foc had a #1 trip when they had 40vs40s for #4 f2p and wore ir capes the rest of the trip l000000l #foc #4pureclan

    1. Himsa


      50 v 50 and what the hell are you talking about l0l

  24. i see no clan lol all i see is dead hahahahhaahaha apex #1 baby
  25. @Niblet is so awkward he called himself niglet when he was talking to a black dude to try and fit in l000l
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