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Everything posted by HolyMemes

  1. another day where brown sticky stuff clans stay brown sticky stuff, i think so

  2. fkn virgins, forgot to include the part where you crashed mcdonalds and ate everything they had. fat fucks
  3. cps brown sticky stuff, ops brown sticky stuff. they both have P in there name which stands for poo. soo they're both poo
  4. Considering 99% of people who clan are autistic i flame the fuck out of them, need to let brown sticky stuff kids know there brown sticky stuff.
  5. Any people say Fi is slumping, if rds geting clapped to you guys they may as well close! HA!
  6. This shows rd should reconsider stepping out of the hpc scene, i mean if lpcs are taking rounds off you how can you keep up with hpcs.
  7. I kinda thought rd would have closed by now after getting decimated by sup this weekend. I guess risktakers closing into [R]etar[D]s is making there quality better, i mean it couldnt get any worse
  8. clan seems like a bunch of noob bags. go home yung grasshopper
  9. We can settle for a defeat every once and while, our members are finding it hard maintaining #1 f2p while also stomping p2p !! this was our new members too lel!
  10. Wow for once doom actually won a fight, usually they just settle for second
  11. Well it looks like Eop wins again, making history closing a clan that should be in the retirement homes. your like a used ugly hooker cp, nobody wants you
  12. I think supremacy can pull it off and be #1 tomorrow, after devouring foe,cp,fi,rd,eop,etc last week with there huge pull it should be like taking candy from a baby
  13. Impressive, seems like you went from the worst to the best really quick. Keep it up guys.
  14. Nice the second worse clan beats the worse. Talk to me when you can beat a top tier clan
  15. good execute for the best lpc, olympus has fallen
  16. Bunch of propaganda retards
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