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coc is roc

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Everything posted by coc is roc

  1. i see tyen and yank in there
  2. @@slushpuppy give murd his win, bundle of twigsgot
  3. ? obviously tlp didn't declare on you for jcup, and wouldn't have declared in p2p. ironic that you'd say that braden is trying to change the subject in the same post since that's exactly what you're trying to do here
  4. i'd rather watch you get kicked from rot for being an awkward brit again
  5. weren't sv the ones begging fatality for help when they had a rivalry with tlp? look where they are now, sv is doing random 10 man p2p pks without a mage and 1 iteming whenever they find an actual team/clan and fi is even more dead
  6. nice meme wonder where the idea for it came from
  7. no1 cares about your minor league brown sticky stuff pure clans stfu already limp dick
  8. i've also pked with the coffee novels and tbh they're stronger than eop themselves they also invented the team 50 cape
  9. came out of retirement just for jeyes to get 1hit with smite up in r3 mfw
  10. heard u had "coffee novel" cc in your capes, it's a masser f2p main cc of mains btw
  11. help i got alzheimer's u can stfu or no net -sudo
  12. didn't realize you were strictly one def?
  13. same time next week if you want to see how many mains tlp has (i'm assuming af won't try and pk again after todays beatdown)
  14. damn sv in the same boat as vr (both lost to liths lol)
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