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Everything posted by davld

  1. first prep loss in a month with emotional people dying on purpose lol im going to hurt you with my rune scimitar tomorrow for your lies on the brew lol
  2. barely beat ir's 25 online members with the best of your 44
  3. team with dying eop to keep ub down then write a 2000 word essay 2 months later when their mains and 1 itemers dont remind you of runescape wars when you were 12
  4. ye lets all get 20 def because ballistas hit 45s in 5v5 miniwars
  5. scrape a 2-1 vs apex with a capeswitch after calling out ub and eop for preps lol
  6. you cant criticize p2p without somebody calling you a brown sticky stuffter but p2p is awful now. pre eoc you couldn't get koed by range if you were praying against it so it was all about if you could flick a maul or ags that was beside you or came flying in. With mage there was higher mage defence gear while mages had lower accuracy and dungeoneering req on max hits. every dung weapon equivalent is available without requirements and tanking is more rng than it's ever been.
  7. team with mains when ub is closing in on #1 then cry when you only have mains to fight very smart fo tactics
  8. going to be printing out this months sig and putting it on my fridge
  9. braindead @@slushpuppy CD does their first prep in 3 months and it's to PX because they hate UB. It's the same thing that Misfits supposedly did. If you're going to make subjective decisions on who's throwing preps you've managed to make your broccolied award even more meaningless.
  10. swatted off the map in less than a minute after crashing with +7 lmfao buddy
  11. not as bad as eop getting cleared off the map up 7 in a 1v1 after crashing
  12. foc cleared and killed less people than their starting number advantage lmfao
  13. davld


    dial 1 to extend trial period
  14. cd ended in 30 minutes with 5 guys on 25 accounts and they still had leaks mfw

  15. how does anyone stay in a clan where the leaders beg you to multilog on tanks vs pures yet you still lose
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